Medical Collection

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by TomJones, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. TomJones

    TomJones Well-Known Member

    I have a medical bill that I need to pay off (for tax reasons) but it just went to collections.
    How do I pay this thing without winding up with a collection item on my CR?
    The bill is from 08/22/2004.
    They've sent me letters back and forth. My insurance company paid on it, but now it's finally down from a $500 bill to in the vicinity of $80.
    I just got my first letter from the CA 2 weeks back.
    I have a DV letter in hand, for mailing tommorrow via CRRR.
    Do I send in the DV letter, then mail payment to the OC, maybe with a letter stating that cashing the payment constitutes entering into a non-disclosure agreement with me?

    Some points:
    1. I'm in Ohio.
    2. I "must pay it" for tax reasons because I've already been compensated from a flexible spending account for paying it.
    3. It's actually my wife's bill. If it was mine, I am not sure I would pay it, as I'm pondering bankruptcy. I have crushing debt, but my wife has very little debt... and very little income.
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    once you send the DV they can't continue collection activity until they prove it belongs to you. since it sounds like you plan on paying it, once you DV the CA, go to the OC and get it in writing that this fully resolves the debt and it won't show on your credit report after the fact.

    i find medical issues are the easiest to resolve.

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