Medical Collections

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by skeeterdee, Jan 15, 2002.

  1. skeeterdee

    skeeterdee New Member

    I need some help with medical collections question.
    My husband and I both had operations in 2000 so we owe more than $80,000 to 4 doctors and since he is self employed and I am disabled there is no way we can pay these bills. We don't want to go bankrupt so what is alternative? If We just stop paying them what could they do? They are all already in collection agencys, even though we were making payments to the dr and hospital.
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    If I may ask what is your income and what were the surgeries for? It seems like there would have been programs to help you if you would have looked when you had the surgery. My husband was in an accident and we had 24 K in medical and it was covered at no charge from our county, sponsored through our local hospitals from grant funds. It was only available to families with incomes over medicaid limits with an income under 50,000 the previous tax year (for a family of 5).
  3. skeeterdee

    skeeterdee New Member

    dear ohnostuck, thanks for replying. I had surgery for gallstones and husband had 7 bypass operations. we had no insurance and did not know and was not told of any help from the state or medicaid. we started making small payments to each dr. and hospital as soon as we got the bills but they turned them over for collection. but now i am disabled and cannot work and his sales are way down since sept 11th. we have no means to pay all of these debts.
    p.s. his income at the time was under $20,00. and now is less than that.

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