Credit card charged my account on 2-14-1 for Pmt. to aol: On 2-21-1 A O L cut off my service for non pmt.because they said the credit card Co. made them give the payment back to the card co. on 2-20-1: As of 2-29-1 the 2-14-1 charge has not been removed from the cr.card account: Why haven't I been given credit on the credit card for the payment returned to them by A O L?
Author: lb ( Date: 02-28-01 10:39 Credit card charged my account on 2-14-1 for Pmt. to aol: On 2-21-1 A O L cut off my service for non pmt.because they said the credit card Co. made them give the payment back to the card co. on 2-20-1: As of 2-29-1 the 2-14-1 charge has not been removed from the cr.card account: Why haven't I been given credit on the credit card for the payment returned to them by A O L? ==================================================== Any body got any tips on how to fix this?