Messed up my credit in college

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by nick03, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. nick03

    nick03 New Member

    A recent college graduate with a full time job for the first time:

    In college I didn't have the means for books, other expenses (tires, etc) and I racked up some credit card debt with a couple cards.

    At the end of college and a couple months unemployed 2 cc bills showed 30 days late (both paid on 30, and 31st day respectively)
    Now all bills caught up.

    Also I had a collection reported that is also paid off in full now.

    Although at the present time, my cards are still high in regards to my balances, aside from paying off as much as I can each month, what can/should I do to try to help my score? Its unfortunate that I realized how I was hurting myself but was trapped.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. try

    try Banned

    Probably it's better to talk to your account manager to see all the options, regarding your score.

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