Microsoft buys Facebook for $240 million.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by creditwren, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. creditwren

    creditwren Banned

    In a deal just announced, Microsoft just paid $240 million for Facebook. They weren't about to lose that one to Google who was also in the bidding. So will Facebook become the next Google? Hardly. More likely it will become the next Geocities because that is the type of thing it is. Actually, Facebook is a social gathering more than even a Geocities. More like youtube than Geocities but they don't have their video act together yet. Uploading is slow and often meets with failure while youtube is pretty fast. I've had videos and other applications on Facebook for quite a while now. I use it to announce the meetings of the Oklahoma City Jurisdictionary Club of which I am the president. I had the first Jurisdictionary club charter in the nation. So what is Jurisdictionary? For those of you who may not know about Jurisdictionary, we teach law and how to win lawsuits using materials provided by Florida Attorney Frederick Graves. Jurisdictionary and it's affiliate club chapters nationwide are gaining new chapters rapidly. I was specially appointed to become the Premier Chapter president by Dr. Graves personally and he gave me the opportunity to become the first chapter president in the nation by letting me in before he announced his club organization nationally. He carefully screens each new applicant to be sure they know and teach sound legal principles and not fringe lunatic theories.

    Facebook has a lot going for it and it is expanding rapidly and now that they have $240 million to play with it should become a major player in the social networking arena. Lots of neat applications can be added to it such as STUMBLEUPON, MEETUPS, free online dating,Splashcast which lets you upload your videos so people can view them on line, and lots more goodies you can add on to your personal facebook. So the goodies that are yet to come on Facebook ought to be pretty outstanding.

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