I have told ya'll before about Midland reporting a tradeline after recieving a validation request. They have now pulled a new stunt. Well 2 actually. 1) I had filed a complaint with the BBB, they sent me a copy of a letter back stating that Midland refuses to correspond with them until hubby signs a release form. Has anyone else had this happen before? 2) they sent a letter today saying you owe us $xxx we would like payment immediately call to discuss arrangements, the documentation you requested is enclosed. Well you want to know what else was in the envelope? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely nothing, that was the only sheet of paper enclosed!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!! What in the he** are they trying to pull?
Hey tnobles, was this the same one they deleted just a few days ago after you sent the intent to sue? If so, have you heard anything from your intent to sue that you sent to FCNB? I don't know if you saw my post yesterday, regarding FCNB & Midland, but I followed your lead & sent intent to sue letters to both. FCNB deleted. I am still waiting on Midland.
Oh my gosh, you're kidding, I can't get FCNB to remove for nothing!!! Yes same one. Midland deleted from Efx. within the hour but left it on Exp. and TU, but now has added the 'consumer disputes' thing. I thought I had this thing in the bag since they deleted so quickly fm Efx. I don't know what else to do. Hey will you do me a favor and e-mail me the letter you sent to FCNB? I can't believe they responded so quickly. I am VERY glad for you though. I am glad someone is getting somewhere with them. The only thing that I have recieved fm FCNB is a reponse letter fm them regarding a BBB complaint saying they will be in contact. Can you tell me what # you faxed it to? and what dept.?
You better keep close tabs on Midland, you see what they did to DH. I still can't get over the fact that they actually sent a demand for payment stating documentation enclosed and nothing was in there nothing, not even a piss on you letter or anything. I am so p.o.ed
No I didn't see it but Butch I have been waiting on your expertise. I think I need to file. I spoke with the attorney and he said he does not handle FDCPA cases b/c they are 'chump change' but he did say he will take a look at it for me since he is handling my other. I just don't think I should wait any longer. What is the next court from small claims? i don't have to have an attorney to file in the next court do I? I figure if nothing else I could file and let him advise me. You think?
forgot to write...LOL...sent letter to your e-mail. Addressed it to the President of the Company, Jim Huston. Fax # 503-641-2772. Fingers crossed for you!
thanks again Val!!!! Maybe I will have better luck this time. Last time I just addressed it to Legal Dept.
I sent out the intent to use letter yesterday. They have failed to validate and have violated a total of 4 statues. They even had a nerve to just send me an intent to sue letter to me. Saying i better pay by a certain date, cause they have a laywer in my state waiting to sue me.They even stated in the letter i have failed to respond to there letters. WHAT??? The supervisor said he doesnt have to validate since i didnt send in the request after the intial 30 days after they sent first letter. So I'am waiting for their repsonse. I really don;t want to sue them or go to court, but i may have too.
You're in luck. You can ask for validation at any time. The 30 day thing is only to cover their butts. If you have requested validation, did not provide it and then threatened to sue you, that is a BIG NO NO!! From what I am dealing with right now, you can count on having to sue them. I did not want to either but I have come to the conclusion that it is in-evitable. Good luck and keep us posted b/c I am curious as well as Val is dealing with them also.
They fianlly put the tradeline in Dispute on the 34th day of my validation request. Sort of funny since supervisor said he didnt have to validate. Also they called me 2 days after they recieved the Estopel letter. I clearly state in that letter and the one before they may NOT contact by phone. So i decided i should return the call to see what they want. It was sort of funny. They asked my name and address. Then they wanted my ssn. I said no. i won't give that over the phone. Then she said how bout i read it back to you. i said no. Then she says how bout i read the 2nd, 4th and 7th number. LOL. i said no. I knew they called me because they recieved the estopel. They wouldn't admitt it. Then i keep saying i don't think think this is mine. I wonder how i can find out if this is legit. lol. Then i got alittle nuts telling her i had them with many violations, etc. FInally she says, and screams. Are yopu refusing to pay this DEBt. I kepp saying, no comment, 10 times she asked that, i replied with NO COMMENT. Finally she says, DO you want to talk with a super. I said Sure. On hold for a while , i hung up. He calls back 20 mins latter. Same crap. I said no i wont give you my ssn. Then he said i will read off the last 4 digits, he does, i say NO COMMENT. lol. I kept saying boy i wish there was a way i could find out if this my debt. Then i say. Do you know what validation is. Yes he replies, its the letter we sent you. I said no. It s a letter i sent you demanding you prove that this is my debt. Then this prick says. What letter?? i never got a letter from you. Then i say, well the Good Ole post office has some called crrr. I have you sig, and you recieved it. OH, the letter dated Sept 10th?? LOL. funny how he just found it. Then he says. Yeah, we dont have to validate, you sent it after 30 days. I said accroding to the law i can demand validation. He say's with a smirk, okay i see how we are going to handle this. then he hung up. Since they put it in dispute, do they have only 30 days to prove to the cra's its mine?
Man....this is getting good....Keep us posted. I don't watch the soaps...I am addicted to credit net.
could you email me the letter also... I am having a similair situation with FCNB and midland. the account was opened in 1994 so i doubt they can validate... they did send printouts however..... advice??? they reported after I sent validation letter also!