Minimum Score 590 For Mbna Platinum

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Big beacon, Jan 24, 2002.

  1. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Re: Minimum Score 590 For Mbna Plat

    Big Beacon, I would like to know your key to geting 20 cards. Is one of them you apply in the same week before the inquiries show up on your report.

    In a few weeks I hope to have another Job that would put my household income 75,000 and a few more of my inquiries should be remove.
  2. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    Re: Ruby Jean ?? Please...

    In our experience (my fiance and I), MBNA sometimes pulls TU, sometimes Ex, and sometimes both.

    My fiance was approved even with his father's bk and other negative showing on his TU report (the problems of being a Jr.). He applied for the Barnes and Noble card. A few days after he applied, and analyst called and spoke to him. He explained how the negatives were his fathers, and the MBNA analyst was satisfied and gave him an account.
  3. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    Re: Minimum Score 590 For Mbna Plat


    Inquiries appear on the report the instant the report is pulled. There is no lag or window of time after the inquiry is pulled that others would not see it.
  4. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Re: Minimum Score 590 For Mbna Plat

    thanks other
  5. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Re: Ruby Jean ?? Please...

    Thanks for answering, Other. I can't decide whether to try or not!
  6. Big beacon

    Big beacon Well-Known Member

    Re: Minimum Score 590 For Mbna Plat


    Big Beacon, I would like to know your key to geting 20 cards. Is one of them you apply in the same week before the inquiries show up on your report.

    The inquiries post immediately but basically, the the score of 775 was so high that the inquiries didn't make a whole lot of difference. At 12 inquires the score was at 751 and seemed to be stuck there. If you have 3+ average history, no lates and minimal balances, Inquiries don't impact the score that much.

    Grant it that I applied with major banks who use automated approval. Smaller institutions may review manually and decline based on inquiries alone regardless of the score but with the big ones, it's pretty much foolproof, JUST MAKE SURE THAT THE DOB, ADDRESS, NAME, AND SOCIAL YOU USE ARE CURRRENLY ON ALL 3 REPORTS TO AVOID UNNECCESSARY REVIEWS. The dob gets bumped a lot from creditors messing up. I reccomend online appilcations to avoid clerical errors by others. And yes, take advantage of the words HOUSEHOLD INCOME. New lines will be based heavily on existing lines but will unlikely be less than 5k in any case.

    Don't apply for Cap One if you have a high score. - The line will be low. Stay away from Nextcard right now too. They've had to tweak their models a per their high charge off rate and drop in stock.

    The score drop from inquires is minimal if you have 3+ average history, no lates, and low balances.

    If the profile is prime it is not difficult to get 10 cards off of each of the bureaus. (Trans Union doesn't seem to get much action though.) The balances on your revolving accounts will have to be
    next to nothing however to pull it off.

    It's a great tool to keep your balance to limit ratio low, keep your score high, and get good rates forever.



    Charge offs for this kind of money would likely be converted to judgements and follow you around forever.

    I will post QUARTER MILLION IN CREDIT CARDS tonight. It has all the info about my venture.

  7. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    Re: Minimum Score 590 For Mbna Plat

    I disagree about the inquiries. I am prime, but inquries have dramatically decreased my scores. My credit history started about 9 years ago, and my scores used to mid 700s, now I am mid to upper 600, mostly from inquiries. My fiance went from a score power score of 709 down to 670's when citibank pulled his report 3 times. 3 inquiries drug his score down over 30 points.

    I think inquiries make a very large impact on your credit score, even if you are prime and have a fairly long history.
  8. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Re: Minimum Score 590 For Mbna Plat

    thanks Big Beacon I have about six high Balances now. I do have over 180.000 in credit took me over 20 years to get it so I can handle 6 digits. The inquires are hurting me because of applying for 15 cards in less then 6 months ''' I did get about 7 cards and loan. So I'll just wait a few months more.
  9. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Re: Minimum Score 590 For Mbna Plat

    So what is this beacon scores and how do I get a copy & also what is the cost.

    Also Big Beacon I have 8 inquiries on my Equifax, I want to apply for a Discover gold & American express do you think 8 in 6 month is too much for these co.

    No late, no judgement, just inquiries & high balance.
  10. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    Re: Minimum Score 590 For Mbna Plat

    A lot of posters got confused by this thread because they misunderstood the claim being made. No one was asserting that ALL 590 FICO scores lead to MBNA Platinum Plus cards. To conclude that is to apply the "FICO is everything" assumption, which was exactly what was being challenged.

    The only claim being made was that someone with a 590 FICO MAY receive a Platinum plus card, because standards other than FICO are used.
  11. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    Re: Minimum Score 590 For Mbna Plat

    Jason from Amex deserves all of the credit for me pulling my Blue out of the sock drawer and using it as my main card. This turned out to be a wise decision as I've been very happy with the service and the CL increases. His presence on CardTrak was definitely doing Amex a favor.

    Where the hell is he these days?

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