~miss Many Of You~

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by GEORGE, Nov 4, 2002.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member



  2. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    George why would you say these things? You are a valued memeber of this board and I hope you are only joking!
  3. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    Oh geez...Did I miss something again??? I admit, I don't read every post, I just scan and read what I'm interested in but...

    Nooooo George!! Why???? What happened???? Your posts are never out of line (like plenty on here) but often made me chuckle...

    This really stinks...what's the deal? Who hurt your feelings????? I want them banned....

  4. firstclass

    firstclass Well-Known Member

    George, Your a good man & very wise also. Want my credit just like yours or better. Everone will miss.
  5. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    GEORGE, this is nonsense. You're one of the most well liked people on the boad.
  6. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member


    I've been busy, but I am wondering, did I miss something?

    You, and many others, of course, have helped me tremendously.

    I hope you are joking.

    I one day hope to have a signature post of '24 years of perfect credit and no baddies'.

    You better be joking about leaving..........
  7. tobasco

    tobasco Well-Known Member

    No matter how hard I try I seriously doubt I'll have 24 straight years of perfect credit :) . All the best, George.

  8. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    That statement doesn't make too much logical sense, George -- how is it that you "ruined this board with 24+ years of perfect credit"? Did your perfect credit ruin the board somehow? When you say "ruined" do you mean that you've somehow damaged it beyond repair? Regardless of what you mean, it's a shame to see you go. (Please take some time to explain how you ruined the board, though!)


    P.S. George, keep in mind that there are others here who always had perfect credit as well, so perhaps you haven't destroyed the board all by yourself! Consider sticking around long enough to tell us more. :(
  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Good Grief.
  10. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member


    As we live in the same state, if we ever meet, I will not being buying you ANY pepsi if you decide to leave. :)~
  11. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    George! You come back here this minute! I've been there, buddy, I've been frustrated and said "that's it!" But, please don't leave. You are very important to me and so many others here and I don't want to lose you. Call it selfish, but you're my friend and I would be so sad if you left!

    If I can hang in there, so can you, George! Puleeze! Pretty please!

    GEORGE! SEE THESE CAPS?? NO ONE CAN TYPE THEM LIKE YOU! DON'T GO! (Note: George's caps comfort me!)

    And, who said or insinuated such a thing? ::::looking around the room for guilty eyes:::::
  12. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    What happened George??????
  13. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member


    I saw this post and thought to myself, WHY???!!!

    Your posts, insights, and opinions have ALWAYS been an inspiration for me on here, so I hope you will reconsider and stay. I hope to one day say my credit scores are great as yours, but they would not have a chance unless you stay and continue to be the inspiration that you are ....

  14. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

  15. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    George when I threatened to quit posting here, even though I meant it when I said it, I wasn't allowed to. Remember? You said I couldn't leave. I've changed my thinking about this board. If someome doesn't like me or what I post, tough sh*^ that's they way it goes. Don't let anyone get to you George, it isn't worth the time. I will expect to see your caps posting here.
  16. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    George, don't go. I think I read the post that you're thinking about. A newbie was rude to you. Don't go over that!! Sometimes it's forgotten that we need the people w/ perfect credit to help us get there ourselves. Without people like you here, we would all be a bunch of bad creditnetters, running in circles, not getting anything fixed.

    Don't GO!!
  17. guppas

    guppas Well-Known Member

    George, I don't know why you would do me a favor, but may I ask for one anyway? Could you stay until you get the newbies like me straightened out? Thanks, man. Sorry if I offended you.
  18. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    this is a joke right?

    George, you have to be kidding.....
    You are a permanent fixture to this board.. You need to stay!!!!

    blah,, he is just joking...
  19. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I don't think he's joking. Read the next thread, about the nutcase letter.

    Can we have the FAQ flashing in neon or something? LOL It's kind of buried up there, I think it frequently gets missed. It's an invaluable resource, and I have to keep going back to it myself. I think it just gets skipped over sometimes. Many times we've posted to newbies to read the FAQ, and they never even knew it was there.
  20. MEMBER5

    MEMBER5 Well-Known Member

    George, I'm a newbie and you're an inspiration to me. Hopefully in 24 years we'll both be in the 900 club =) lol Please stay!

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