looked and compared my CR on Transunion and Equifax. and noticed that 2 of my account are missing on the equifax report. (note: these 2 accounts are actually my better one coz its the one by american honda (which i paid off already and eloan (which im paying now)). also on the equifax report it said i had 2 names on it, could that be the case? who should i call to add those 2 accounts on my report?. so it could be added on my credit history.
Write a letter, they'll probably say to add them to your credit file, you need to request it in writing, and they'll tell you how much (if any) you will have to pay to get it on your file. Either that, or you can writie a letter to the company's who are reporting the information, and ask that they report or update that credit reporting agency, but usually when an account isn't showing, its because the company's for whatever reason, have made the decision to not report to that particular credit reporting agency.
Just a bit of info...I tried to get something put on two of my cr's. They need a copy of your drivers license, SSN and a utility bill with your current address or they wont honor it saying "they cant confirm your identity".