Missing credit history

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tucow08, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. tucow08

    tucow08 New Member

    Help! I feel like I'm in a catch-22.

    For the longest time now I've been trying to fix my Equifax and TransUnion CR. The problem is they both are missing numerous major credit card reports that are all in good standing. So when I try to take advantage of good credit offers I get denied because of a lack of credit history. Its all the more frustrating in that my Experian report is 100% accurate reporting every bit of history I have. I just never know which CR will be pulled and invariably its usually EQ or TU.

    I've talked to and written EQ and TU. They tell me I have to fix it with the credit card companys. However the credit card co. tell me they are reporting to them. I've even asked for and received letters confirming they're reporting to all 3 agencies and sent them to EQ and TU along with statements. THey still do nothing. I'm almost 99% sure its some kind a computer glitch and suggested that. Still they do nothing. I've had more enlightening conversations with walls.

    I'm tired of this merry-go-round. What can I do to fix this?
  2. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    I have the same problem with TU/my car loan opened in July of last year. My creditor swears up/down, sideways, in/out that they have been reporting the account since day one to all three agencies.
  3. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Check to make sure your address is reporting the same on the loan and your credit reports.
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Sounds like a split file.
  5. tucow08

    tucow08 New Member

    Thanks. I don't have any loans. My house and car are paid off. Experian shows this, the other two don't. The addresses are the same as my major credit cards on the reports from EQ and TU. From what I've been reading about split files theirs no way I would know what the error is if the rest of the file were missing. This has been going on for years and I've never seen other parts of my files.

    Is their any way to determine what may be causing the split if that's what it is?
  6. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Yes, ask them. If the furnishers are reporting it and the credit reporting agencies are failing to reflect it, you have a viable cause of action. This is presuming that you've suffered damages which it appears you have.
  7. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    This OPs question goes a bit deeper into "his file". The OP should request his "full file" (that fuzzy part of the FCRA), which should have all information, perhaps including a split file.
  8. tucow08

    tucow08 New Member

    That's the problem. Everytime I ask them where the missing info is they say I have to fix it with the credit card furnishers who tell me they are reporting to all 3 agencies. I've disputed with EQ and TU a dozen times over the years. They won't fix missing info because theirs nothing to fix and they won't add info unless the credit furnishers provide it which they say they are. It's a never ending circle of frustration.

    apexcrsvr, I'm not sure how I would quantify the damages.

    bizwiz41 what does OP and "full file" mean.
  9. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    OP = "Original Poster (you in this case), and "full file" means ALL the information a credit reporting agency has on you.

    Do you have anything in writing from your CC companies that states they are reporting to all three credit reporting agencies?
  10. tucow08

    tucow08 New Member

    Thanks and yes I have letters from two Citi cards Visa's and Capital One stating they are reporting to Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. I've sent the letters to them and received responses and the credit reports with nothing changed. They invariably tell me the credit file info is verified and leave it at that. EQ and TU continue to show only Discover with out of date info. Not long ago during this latest round of grief TU even deleted a TL from FIA when I disputed the info on it. From what I've read on this forum when you have a split file you receive both parts when getting a mailed copy and that way you can tell where the snafu is and correct it. I've ordered and never received more than one part from any of them. Does that sound like its not split and could be some other problem. A few years ago I got a fico score from experian of, I think 760 but EQ and TU are 0. I'm 54, own a paid 20 year mortgaged house, car, have had rotating loans, and have five major credit cards always paid on time/never late and I get denied for credit line increases because the credit cards check with EQ and TU for my credit worthiness and it doesn't even show the very sAME cards the CC companies know I have. I'd love to get this fixed once and for all.

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