Re: Missing Psychdoc, Saar. Wolveri Ok, I guess you're right after all. I did a split-half analysis, and there was indeed a discernible yet small difference in posting frequency. Most recent 74 days - PsychDoc posted 2.581 messages per day. Most recent 37 days - PsychDoc posted 2.162 messages per day. Second 37 days tier - PsychDoc posted 3.000 messages per day. (Yes, that round "3.000" figure is, amazingly, the correct number down to an accuracy of 1 in 10,000.) So, we can see that I have slacked off by 0.838 messages per day, or less than 1. In other words, we can now conclude that I am posting at the same rate every fifth day, however for days 1, 2, 3, and 4 in a 5-day series I am posting one message per day less often. How anyone could notice this by simply reading the board without doing the math is beyond me, but hats off to Mark LA for his keen arithmetic eye regardless! Now, these data still overwhelmingly support my continued strong presence, so you will pardon me if I exclude myself from your triumvirate that included Saar and wolverine. Best, Doc
Re: Missing Psychdoc, Saar. Wolveri I haven't been around for a while because for the last 6 months I was working at a job where I really didn't have time to read or post much. Then I was layed off from that job in the beginning of Oct. but my main focus was finding another job. Now that I have 2 part time jobs, I have no time or the means during the day to be on Creditnet. Not to mention that lately my evenings have been more focused on *MP$40 Time*. After the kids go to bed, that's when my fun begins and lately the last thing I want to do is spend it on the internet. I'd rather be out on a date or at the gym! My credit situation has been pretty stable. My Equifax report is clean but there are paid negatives on Experian and TU which I still need to probably work on getting off. I just was trying to give my reports a break from all the disputes, etc. Besides, I have all the credit that I need and those paid negatives will fall off in due time so that's why I haven't really been motivated to get them off. Glad to see that eveyone else is still hanging in there!
Re: Missing Psychdoc, Saar. Wolveri The Regs whose posts I miss the most are - Steven Z J. Edgar and Credit Ranger (aka Maximus). No board that I've visited ever had posters of that caliber. To see an example of the work they were able to produce, check these: Saar
Re: Missing Psychdoc, Saar. Wolveri The difference between a "Hall of Famer" with a .333 lifetime average and a no-name utility player with a .250 lifetime average is less than two hits per week. Breeze nailed it right on the head. Sometimes real life rules pretty harshly. And, naturally, once your major battles have been fought, other priorities have a way of bubbling to the top. Priorities that may have been long neglected while we tilted at our personal windmills. I shot the poodle...But nobody better touch the Shih Tzu