A credit card company put a judgment against me. I have spoken with the attorney's in charge of this case and made arrangements to pay off the debt. So I gave them my account # to authorize them to make an ACH withdrawal for Aug. 17th in the amount of $625. I then seeked legal advice (pretty late huh...) and sent them a certified letter (an "Original Answer") stamped by the courts the very next day. I called them back to cancel the payment and tried to make other arrangements. They didn't want to agree to a lesser payment, but told me to send them whatever I wanted. They claim that they have cancelled the withdrawal scheduled for the 17th. Can they still withdrawal from my account after cancelling? Is it legal in the state of Texas?
It all depends on what is in writing. It is the only thing that stands firm in the court. You need to make sure they really did withdraw and are not just telling you that.
I just got summoned and had to reply within 10 days. We have not gone to court, but I had made that agreement verbally and cancelled the agreement verbally? But what scares me is that they already have my routing and account #...
I would pull all my money out of the account, and whatever checks that are pending would just have to bounce, unless it would cost you $600+ in bounced check fees. Then I would work on resolving the issue with the creditor.