I have ca account on cr report listed something like this>>> date opened 5/2001 date reported 2/2001 last reported 11/2001 I have already disputed as not mine and came back verified.... I will do this dispute via snail mail...... previous dispute was online.....of course I want it deleted so do i send a generic "this is inaccurate" or do i specifiy what is wrong (they may correct and not delete?) thanks
The Dates on this are inaccurate. It can't be reported 3 months before I allegedly opened it. Please remove it immediately due to you not verifying this information previously.
I have learned by reading that if you dispute not mine...they only verify name, address and ss#. For better results dispute dates or amounts because this forces the reporter to have to send more info and provide more proof and if they cant...it must be removed. I actually had a wonderful knowledgable cra rep (oximornon I know but I still appreciated her) tell me that as well when one of my disputes came back verified and I called to ask how that was possible. I was because I stated not mine instead of the dates....she redisputed and we should find out sometime next week. Somebody please correct me if I have misunderstood and/or who I thought trusted the nice rep lied to me. God knows I am such a sucker and naive at times!! Just ask my friends
Jen, Thanks for the "Not Mine" tip. I recently disputed an unpaid judgment. My personal info says: Mike J Smith. Judgment tradeline says: Michael J Smith. Address isn't even close. I could not find a SSN on the paperwork when I went to the courthouse. EQ says "verified" by name and SSN by their rep that they sent to the courthouse! Yeah, right! The real kicker is the response on my report says: "EQ has verified that this public record item has not been recorded as satisifed/released at the courthouse". I've NEVER asked if it was satisifed or released. I asked them to verify that it was mine! If I had asked by phone, I might understand them screwing this up, but I disputed this one by CRRR letter. I HATE THESE IDIOTS!
Wow! A knowledgable CRA CSR that told you the truth. hmmm. This is why I personally don't like the "not mine" dispute. It's too easy to validate. All the CA has to do is verify that it's actually YOU in their system and your dispute fails. By now tho, you have logged one dispute on this tradeline which makes further disputes more difficult. I mean, what do you do now? Dispute that you paid on a different date on an account that was supposed to be "not yours"? See what I mean?
If you dispute another way are cant it be taken as admitting to the account? I never want to do that.
How about "unauthorized signature"? I thought about using this on Experian but I can't dispute online again and I don't feel like doing CRRR or fax. Because this OC does not have an application to check the signature against and I've already disputed as "not mine" 2x and it has come verified. So if the OC would to verify it this time around someone has to be lying when I have proof they don't have the original signed app.