Modern Good will letters

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mrmania, Aug 18, 2004.

  1. mrmania

    mrmania New Member

    Hi all this is my first post. I've done all the reading but it really seems like lots of the information is highly dated. My guess is that Goodwill letters dont work like they used to, is this correct?
    People seem to bring up the whole "we need to report the correct thing by law" excuse now. Do lots of people still have success with Goodwill letters like they did 2-3 yrs ago? The accounts that i'd like to try them on are all student loans that were consolidated later by Sallie Mae, but some went a long long time with many 90 and 120 day lates each. Is there a response i can use when they say "we need to report the facts"?

    I would like to try these letters for:
    Wells Fargo student loan- old accounts that were consolidated and now held by Sallie Mae

    Sallie Mae student loans - old accounts that were consolidated, now held by Sallie Mae
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Use 1 of them
  3. mrmania

    mrmania New Member

    Well so far out of one response back, i got one nagatory on changing the payment status's to "current" or even "no data".
    they say they get audited and need to report accurately blah blah blah.
    my guess.. good will's are a thing of the past because the government has made it harder for them to be given.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Sorry you didn't win the sweepstakes-Wrong Guess.
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    What ever gave you this idea??????????
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    audited, audited by who?
  7. mrmania

    mrmania New Member

    I dont know who she said they got audited by, if she even said. Maybe it was just an excuse. Maybe the gov does not come down on them for doing it but I've seen them use this excuse with me and many other good-will posters in these forums too. Sure they may happen, and are maybe worth still working for, but it seems that companies are afraid(or say they are) of reporting incorrect information.
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*Maybe it was just an excuse.
    2*Maybe the gov does not come down on them for doing it
    3*I've seen them use this excuse with me and many other good-will posters in these forums too
    4*but it seems that companies are afraid (or say they are) of reporting incorrect information.
    1* Rite it's a cop out.
    2*The Gov. don't because no law forces them to report anything.
    3*(Excuse)Spelled like so. B.S.You don't have to buy it.
    4*The fact that 70 percent of credit reports contain errors sure proves that.


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