molly, Since you provided me the letter, I know you want to hear how I'm doing with sterling. I was waiting until 02/01/2001 the day I was supposed to move. Dang it! The start date for my new job has been delayed until mid-March! I can't move yet! Now should I go ahead and send the letter to sterling or just wait until I move? I don't want to give sterling a new address in the middle of it all.
RE: molly...another delay for I would go ahead and do it. As you saw by the dates of my letters, Mr. Underwood replies very quickly. If you word letter #1 right the first time you will not have to send #2 like I did. And then overnight your payment with a money order or Western Union to save time. I sent in a check so they had to wait 10 days. Then wait til you move into your new apartment before you send the dispute into the credit bureaus. I think you can do it, that is if you start right away. Good luck and let me know what happens.