Money owed not negative info

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Doug, Dec 21, 2000.

  1. Doug

    Doug Well-Known Member

    By accessing your reports and when you read positive or negative what is pulling down your score. It seems no matter what you owe it is always bringing your score down. Whether total is 15,000 OR 3,000. Main question is does any one see Money owed show up in the POSITIVE. Also saids Zero Balances never using cards is Negative also.
  2. Kevin Yaeg

    Kevin Yaeg Guest

    RE: Money owed not negative in

    If you owe money then your balance should NOT be more then 49% of your credit limit
  3. Doug

    Doug Well-Known Member

    RE: Money owed not negative in

    Not the answer I was looking for. Talking about worthknowing, 123 credit reports, q-space little inside tips helping or lowering your scores. I am about 3.5% of total owed verus total credit lines and still be considered NEGATIVE.

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