More advice - 3 CA's reporting, No OC's Reporting..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DarkSergea, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. DarkSergea

    DarkSergea Member

    Okay - here's round two of advice. And I'm sorry for the newbish questions.

    I've got three CA TL's currently reporting - all micro-amounts, $105; $255; $278.

    They are two utilities and one closed checking account. None of the OC's are reporting.

    What would you do here - basically, I'm really about frustrated with having less than $4000 worth of bad debt ruin my credit. And most of the bad debt TLs are held up in these three account (have one eviction/judgement, one chargeoff headed to collection apparently.. blah).

    Of these three CA's, none of them are even attempting to collect.

    So I'm leaning towards two different processes here...
    Process 1:
    1) Dispute, incorrect info (most of them have dates all jacked to hell)
    2) If verified, Validate.
    3) If validated (or choose not to, they were all bough in 05/06), then settle for deletion; PFD; PF Closed, whatever they'll do.
    4) Re-verify in 6 months since they probably won't give a sh*t anyhow.

    Or, Process 2:
    1) Ask for Settle for Delete NOW (without using phrasing to be construed as actual assumption of debt)
    2) If won't offer to settle, offer PFD and/or settle for closed, etc.
    3) Change address (since I'm moving in a month and half any how..)
    4) Dispute old address associated with these accounts.
    5) Wait a couple months, Dispute simply as "not mine".

    I understand the litigious mindset - but honestly, these people aren't harassing me. They are actually debts I owe, and the amounts aren't inflated and would be totally happy with the TL's just going away..
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    I would opt for Process 1 . . .
  3. DarkSergea

    DarkSergea Member

    Thanks. Kind of what I was thinking to since almost the worst I can do is to pay them and NOT have them deleted since that'd show recent activity...
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    That would not be good at all. Although counter-intuitive, it would be better to let them go if you couldn't get them deleted. Well, at least in terms of credit scoring.

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