guys, I am worried,, pulling everday since 8/12,, everday no new consumer disclosure,, stuck on 8/12,, just pulled 8/19,, still shows 8/12,, and I pulling score also,,, hummmm in the past it always showed up immediately with that pull,,,,
It has been working fine for me, until tonight. I pulled 2 reports and both are not on Credit Report. I think they may no something. Anybody have the same problem?
DID YOU CLICK ON "GET A NEW ONE"??? If YES...E-MAIL or CALL... "UNLIMITED" can NOT have any limits!!!
Why would I call and tell them their is a problem with thier system and it deletes my hard inquiries. It usually shows Consumer Disclousure, but not today.
oh yes, I have been clicking get a new one,, and then comes report 8/19/2002 optional score,, then I open the report and score,, then when I go back it says,, report 8/19 and I check to see if theres new pulls,,,, none, and I ve been doing everyday since 8/12 and thats when it ends,,, everytime for the past yr when I pull look at report and score, I get 2 new inquires for that day,,,, NO MORE since 8/12,,,,,, what about you guys,,,, is it happening to you, ?? or are yours daily and OK, ??? lil
"UNLIMITED" can NOT have any limits!!! I'm NOT saying to call to say your "BUMPAGE" isn't working right!!! If you are being "LIMITED" to once a week or some other LIMITS!!!
ohhhhhhhh,,,,, LOL,.. do any of you guys remember the jerky tapes of the 80s,, then the movie,,,,,,, LOL,,, hello,, hey hey,, YO,,equifax puntative damages hear,,,,,,,, BUMPAGE aint F,,ing working!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want my unlimited bumpage!!! k
George, you misunderstood what they were complaining about. They were complaining that the bumpage stopped, not that they couldn't pull any new reports. You're confusing them with me -- I'm the one who can't seem to pull any reports the last day and a half. Doc
"Hey Equifax this is Rizzo. We got a big problem here, Jerky." "what" "My bumpage aint working. I can't see no Consumer Disclousures on my report." "why do you need Consumer Disclosure to be on your report." "Hey jerky it's unlimited, that means you do as I say" "what, are you gonna sue us?" "Hey CSR, forget about the lawsuit threats, thats for babys. Tony's coming to make a visit. You better get my Bumpage working, good luck." Is that what you mean? (LOL)
Has anybody just got the: We're sorry, we are currently performing routine, scheduled maintenance on our systems and we are unable to immediately process your request. We have captured your order and our system will continue to retry processing attempts. You will be notified via e-mail when your order transaction has been completed. ????????????????/
yep,, just got it,, then my screen flashed,, and I was back at the list,, of pulls,, with 8/19 at the top,, ( I already pulled),, and I checked, nope no consumer disclosures since 8/12,,, we got do something here, this requires serious attention,,,,,,,
i cannot pull a report currently as well. says 'will keep trying and email you when one is available'
personally, I feel I deserve a good crude bump or two,,,, and the equ thing is gonna take forever, although hopefully not as long as a natural bump,,, and ex,, well I m angry,, the FCRA act says these suckers are to investigate anything on the report,, well, 4 out of five off mîne I never applyed for anything, its promotional that ended up hard!!! those must go.. I better not get a letter from ex, saying, we dont investigate inquiries anymore, have you guys had good results with Psy doc methods for crude bumpage? you think they just delete,, have any of you actually got " verified" no bump???
OK. My first 2 inq's fell off today. One my oldest hard inquiry, and an Equifax Consumer Disclosure. I am/was at 123. Has this been anyone else's experience? Again these were the oldest ones on my report (all the way at the bottom). The dates were in 3/2001. The "bad" month for me was Jan 02. I went WAY up in score, and applied for everything under the sun with my results from CHOD.
I just tried pulling mine and my Dad's Credit Report and they both give me the high volume error. Has anybody tried pulling thier credit more then twice this morning??