Well now they emailed me and told me Hurley State bank couldnt verify the information so they cancel my order, and asked me to send documents to change this. I'm going to take the advice of ppl on here and let it go. I'll thank myself in the long run. On a side note, anyone know of any bad credit comnputer fiancners? I was approved by Hurley at first for $1500.
Take a look here and see if you like the terms. Watch out! The Dell system offered here is outstanding but the APR might not be! http://www.affinity1.net/
just an fyi, a no-name(hehe) computer new of the exact same specs would probably run you about a few dollars over $600. (im talking complete with monitor keyboard etc)
By the way This dimension L at dell.com is $1016.00 cash price. So do the numbers for me $99 down 30 payments at $104 a month How much interest is that? Pretty close to 80-100% interest.
I bought my custom built puter from a local guy that works out of his home for about 800 bucks complete. If I need tech support, I just call him and in about 2 seconds we've got the problem fixed. I wouldn't have it any other way. Came with a 3 year warranty and all.
That's $3219 for a $1016 computer. I don't know what the exact rate is, but it's way too much! You would be paying triple price for something that would be outdated before you were done paying for it.
I believe around here, the place that does the same type of financing is called "AARONS RENT TO OWN" hehe
I'll laugh with you on that, Sam. I have seen some rent-to-owns that were more fair and better deals than some of the financing discussed here.