More Generic Mortgage Questions...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by islandboy, Jan 7, 2003.

  1. delilah131

    delilah131 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your help, pibb.

    We talked to a broker in October who told us anything that has a balance needs to be paid (collections and chargeoffs) and to make sure everything else was correct. We got to work on it right away, and are not going to go back until we think its in better shape -- probably not until April.

    But you worked with the builder's mortgage company so does that mean you are in a brand new house?
    I think this might be a good route for us to take because my thinking is that the builders would rather have people in thier houses than have them sit vacant, so maybe the builder's mortgage company would be more willing to work with us and our (what will be by then) slightly dinged credit.

    Any thoughts on this approach?

  2. pibb26

    pibb26 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I built the house new. They tried to charge me a higher interest rate and I told them I was going to go to my credit union and they came back with NO penalty on the interest rate. I have a 60 day float on the rate and as of right noe have 5.7%.

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