More on Providian...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, Oct 8, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    You know...I got to thinking...maybe something sneaked on to TU and that was what happened. So tonight I pulled TU and guess what...Providian has not viewed my TU account since December, 2001. Kinda hard for them to base their decision on a report they've never seen, huh?

    Very, very interesting. At any rate...I ripped my letter up, so can someone please post the address where you write for the specific reason they closed the account? May as well needle them as much as possible. Who knows...may stumble over some type of

  2. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    I thought the same thing when I got the letter (which came TODAY stating that my account will be closed TOMORROW!!??). Providian viewed my TU report in November 2001 - and not since - yet they state that the TU report was what they based their decision on. Of course, I'm one of their best customers with PERFECT payment history, consistent usage and always carry a balance. Providian's way saying thanks? WTF?

    To add insult to injury, they politely informed me that they would note my account as "closed at customer's request".

    Anyway, the address is:
    Providian National Bank
    Customer Service Center
    P.O. Box 9201
    Old Bethpage, NY 11804

    And their toll-free number - for a laugh:
  3. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    it is apparent they are on their way into oblivian..which would be fine with me, i'd be able to dispute the damn providian TL's off my report if they cease to exist.
  4. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    I really do not understand what is going on here. I just got a $500 increase and a 3.99% intro rate with a go to of 16.99 down from 23.99% on my Providian gold. My Providian was never secured and I never had an annual fee. Infact, they just sent me a bunch of balance transfer checks. I haven't hardly used my Providian at all because my wife has other cards with lower APR's. It has been sock drawered for the past six months.

    They did a similar deal for my wife several months ago with her Providian smartcard account. But her Platinum Providian continues to sit with a 0 balance in the sock drawer with a whopping 23.99% APR. I think maybe Providian has different departments managing different card lines. We have had good luck with the gold card, and smartcard accounts, but the Platinum card is junk.

    Why are they being nice to some customers, and ripping others?

    You guys must have pissed someone there
  5. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    I don't know about different departments managing different card lines. I have (or HAD!) two gold cards - one started out as a GetSmart card card with a $1K limit, which became a Visa Gold upon renewal after 1 year (that's the one they just trashed). The other card I've had for over 2 years with a $5K limit, and they just lowered the APR on that one. Perfect payment history on both cards (and all my other cards). Fortunately, that account is not being closed - not today, at least!

    I really can't figure out what's going on here, and I'm afraid to use my remaining card for anything. And tell me, how can you piss off a company by (a) paying not only on time but EARLY and WY OVER the minimum. (b) consitently using the card, and (c) carrying at least some balance from month-to-month???

    As I said earlier, WTF???
  6. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    I hear you. I was going to transfer around $700 to my Providian to take advantage of the 3,99, but now I am not so sure. They may just close my account or jack my rate. I guess I could always transfer it back if they do that. Have you tried PFB? You might as well not bother calling their CS, they suck. As I have said before they might as well answer their customer service phones with a message saying; "whatever you want the answer is no, don't call us we'll call you"

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