Hello, all! I have not been around for a long time. I could really use some guidance, if anyone would be so kind. My husband died suddenly in April, leaving me a housewife with 6 kids. Our mortgage was only in my husbands name because my credit was not good enough. My home went into foreclosure in June. At this point, I believe they are going to let me keep the house. I am waiting to get the final word on the amount of payments. I am wondering if I might find a better deal somehwere, or if I should sitck with the same company. I have only been working for 8 weeks, but my base income is social security survivors benefits. Our current rate is 6.5%. I believe they may offer me 5.5 or 5.35. I don't know my credit scores right now because I just paid off my credit cards and got some things removed. My Fico was 535 last time I checked. I doubt that I will reach 650. I have a couple small items that need to be removed or paid. I would very much appreciate any comments or helpful suggestions. Thanks!
Terri I remember you. I'm glad they're going to let you keep the house! If nothing else, get it in your name, clear up the few things then refinance it in 6-12 months. Best of luck to you!
Thanks, Shanyl! It has been a very difficult year for me. Since this was our first mortgage, made possible by what I learned here on CreditNet, I am not sure what to do about refinancing or what to expect! Thanks for the advice!
Hi OtherTerri ~ I haven't been on the board in a very long time; last time I was here you and your husband were doing orientation with DeVry. I'm very sorry to read about your loss; I'll pray for you and your family.