Mortgage Question - PUBLIC RECORDS

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by OleMissReb, Aug 18, 2004.

  1. OleMissReb

    OleMissReb Well-Known Member

    I have a public record in my credit file from a lawsuit. It was paid but I have moved several times since then and no longer have the records to prove it. I cannot get the court to do anything about it or fax me any paperwork? My lender says their underwriters need this!? Will this hold us up? What ifwe cannot get proof on this?! What do we do?
  2. nightowlky

    nightowlky Well-Known Member

    Still have the canceled check?

    Sounds like a dispute is in order but, do you have the time to wait?
  3. OleMissReb

    OleMissReb Well-Known Member

    No I sure don't. It has been about 4 years.

    A 30 day dispute would put our rate lock expiring... We don't want to wait 30 days but I guess we don't have a choice. Seems awfulo silly for the lender to hold up over this one thing with us putting 20% down... Geez.
  4. nightowlky

    nightowlky Well-Known Member

    What about a trip to your county courthouse and going thru the records yourself?
  5. OleMissReb

    OleMissReb Well-Known Member

    The problem with that it it is a suit in a state i don't even live in or have ever been to. I am in Memphis TN and the judgement is in Euclid Ohio.
  6. tix

    tix Well-Known Member

    How were you served the lawsuit? Is this a default judgment?

  7. willtygart

    willtygart Well-Known Member

  8. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    You should be able to research the court records online for most states, I don't know if OH is one of them.

    Maybe you could pay a para-legal in OH to get you the info

    There is something called "Rapid Rescore" that mortgage co.'s can do in order to move on a deal when there is a CRA problem like this.

    I don't know all the details of "rapid rescoring", maybe someone else here can advise you

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