KHM The mortgage lenders that I work with have never required more than 2 years W-2 , 30 days paystubs and 3 months of bank statements. Mortgages do not work anything like a car loan. The primary borrower is normally the person with the higher income and the secondary person's score do matter, though not as much. They DO NOT add the 2 middle score and divide by 2 either. Each person's scores are looked at seperately. You are correct though, they do take the middle of the 3 scores and eliminate the other 2(except on those occassions where one of the scores is so much lower that there is obviously a major problem...for example you have scores of 620...595...455...that will cause a red flag to raise and it will be investigated before a decision or approval is given). fla-tan
cfand3boy| 137 posts since Mar 2002 | 05.21.2002 @ 12:26 Sometimes lenders will be more leniant if you have a good down payment. ======================== This is a rip off demand.