My wife and I bought our home about 2 1/2 years ago. We got a loan in just my wifes name (she had better credit at the time) with a 2 year arm that was at 8%. We had perfect payment history until November-December of 2005 when the interest rate jumped to 11% and we had 2-30 day lates. It is now current. We are wanting to refinance BADLY. I have a midscore of about 680 and hers is around 620-630. I called our current lender and the best they could do because of the 30 day lates was 9.75%. Anyone know where I could get a better rate? Please Please Help!!
i'm a mortgage broker. i don't know if this is against the boards rules, but if you would like me to shop a better rate for you i'd be more then happy. if so shoot me an email to justabox76 {at} yahoo. the 30 day lates in and of themselves shouldn't be cause for a such a high rate. i'm thinking there must be something else involved, or they are just trying to take advantage of you.