Couple of quick questions for the experts! I had a mortgage loan with PCFS Mortgage - A company that seems to have 'disappeared' (see: ). It looks like this whole division was disbanded - and all the loans sold. My loan was 2 months past-due, and by the time the sale was transferred they were threatening foreclosure. I have made payment arrangements (at the same time it was sold, the interest rate went up 1.5% $200 a month)). Questions: 1) Do past due payments transfer over when a loan is sold? Also - they transfered over more than $1000 in fee's when it was sold as well. 2) I disputed the old late payments (that PCFS was reporting) - figuring that PCFS was no longer in business, but the credit reporting agencies all verified (how?) that the late payments were valid? How would I go about disputing this again? As always - Thanks for the help!