How do you get insurance - Refuse to pay anything over the best rate. Same for buying a house. Credit card-Set up a side fund and use it instead,collect interest instead of paying it. They have what we want- are you sure ? Do we really want over priced Volkswagens ? We get what we accept. As long as we do that they will never bring out the Lincolins and Caddlacks. Start passing on the volkswagons and see how quick they start offering the Cadlacks & linclons! __________________________ Other Ideas Open up non profit Consumers banks and insurers. LB 59
*** How do you get insurance - Refuse to pay anything over the best rate. Same for buying a house. Credit card-Set up a side fund and use it instead, collect interest instead of paying it. They have what we want- are you sure? Do we really want over priced Volkswagens? We get what we accept. As long as we do that they will never bring out the Lincoln's and Cadillac. Start passing on the Volkswagens and see how quick they start offering the Cadillac. & Lincoln's! __________________________ Other Ideas Open up non profit Consumers banks and insurers. LB 59