Motion to compel interrogatories

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by peeper, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    I sent in my answers for notice to admit,but i have not sent in the answers to interrogatories that also was included.Today i received a letter from the attorneys for the plaintiff in the suit saying they will file a motion to compel if i do not send them my answer to the interrogatories and notice to admit in the next ten days.I know both the court and the attorny received my answers to the notice to admit because i sent them cmrrr. I intend to object to all the interrogatory questions but feel i should wait till they force me to.Is this a good idea.The interrogatory questions are almost the same questions as the notice to admit and i did not admit to any of those questions.Plus by forcing them to file a motion to compel it gives me more time and makes them work a little more on trying to get their judgment.I am living on disabily income and have no money in the bank or any non exempt assets.So even if they get their judgment it wont matter because i am dead broke.I am being sued by the worst ca out there cach.

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  2. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

  3. Dumb Bob

    Dumb Bob Well-Known Member

    Commonly folks are given a break on time by the side seeking to compel, who want to look like the good guys.

    Once they compel you to answer, if you make a mistake, sanctions are not just possible but likely. Before that, you might just reply to an interrogatory with "Wosshitt Woooo".

    Did you ever file your interrogatories against them? Wouldn't that be even more effective?

    While this is important to the ultimate outcome, it doesn't much matter at this point. Many if not most of the folks who are being sued by the sorts who are suing you are simularly situated.
  4. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

  5. Dumb Bob

    Dumb Bob Well-Known Member

    Anything from money to you lose the case. The 'you lose' is not done lightly. So expect money first. Of course it is also possible to get into contempt of court if you play around with this after you are compeled to answer.

    I don't know. Maybe there's a mistake. if you sent it certified, perhaps you can call and ask them telling them that you did that.

    It sounds like you are aren't talking with the other side. This is a lawsuit. In a lawsuit, the court expects both sides to communicate. If they don't, the court can become angry. And with good reason. I would call them up and ask politely what is going on. I would document my call so I could point out my efforts to the judge in my brief and at the next hearing.
  6. Capitan

    Capitan Member

    Answert to Interrogatories

    Be careful about not filing anything until you are ordered to do so. If you ave legitimate objections to the interrogatories, (ex -- irrelevant) you may waive those objections by not filing responses that include the objections. The opposing lawyer will ask the court for an order compelling you to answer the interrogatories, not object to them.

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