Paypal no longer allows "move money" from one cc account to another... which is too bad because it was a very useful feature. any suggestions of how I can do that without a formal balance transfer? I'm trying to think of other services that do that... and the associated fees.
You can do it with C2it, but most CCC's treat it as a cash advance. I got this off the "fat Wallet" board a few weeks ago: Cards that are still charged AS PURCHASES as of (date), with rewards Click Citi Platinum Select® 11/10/01, 1% cash monthly plus Amex Blue-like price/warranty protection GE Rewards (now owned by First USA) 10/01, up to 1.4% cash back on first $10K citi dividend platinum select 11/01 1% cash back Paypal Mastercard (up to 1.5% back) Fleet Cash Rebate (up to 2% back) CapitalOne Visa Platinum 01/02 Cards that are now charging as CASH ADVANCES as of (date) Associates Citgo Preferred 9/01 MBNA cards ? 7/01 Fleet Titanium Card 11/01 US Bank Northwest Airlines 12/01 Nextcard 12/01 First USA United 12/01 Shell Platinum card from Chase 11/01 US Bank Northwest Airlines 12/01 Associates Visa and MasterCard 9/01 Phillips 66 MasterCard 9/01 Verizon Visa and MasterCard 9/01
thanks that's exactly what I was looking for... good thing I have a Cap1 Platinum card I take it the transfer will just be an ach transaction and not show up as a payment... but that's fine. thanks again!!!
Iâ??ve just got an email the other day from c2it that I cannot move money any more between my linked accounts. First you have to put the money into the c2it account (takes 4 days for the money to show up in your c2it account) and than you can move it into another liked account...
Re: Move balance: one cc to another C2it will permanently close your account w/o notice if you overdo it. Another way to do it is to use the new cobalt, though I haven't studied the fee structure well enough to know if it's a good deal or not: Saar
As I understand it from others - it posts as a payment. In the past when I have used C2it, I got security calls from the CCC and from C2it.
ok... I just did it so we'll see what happens. I had to add funds to the account and then transfer it to the cc, I couldn't do it directly. But I did add funds from another cc and so the funds were available immediately (Seems you wait if you use your bank account but not if you use a cc). Odd. anyway, we'll see if I get any calls I just checked my Cap1 card and I see the authorization so it seems like it went. Again, we'll see. This is a nice, fee free (for now) function. Easy way to do a quick balance transfer. One thing is odd, I can see a "history" of my account and that way know the balance but I don't see anywhere where I can get my "balance right now". Maybe I'm just missing it.
Try looking at the actual C2it account from "my C2it" page. ....trying to remember where it is....LOL
looked and couldn't find it... must be a blonde day Anyway, thanks again Breeze and Saar for the help!!! I moved the money off one card and to another, thereby using a wonderful intro rate and still paying absolutely NO interest Ah, credit management at its finest. I'll get the credit in just before the statement close date!!! Saar: when you analyze the new Citi card please make sure to post your thoughts... I am going to look at the terms tonight too!
Upper right hand corner of the page - on the black bar - it says "$ click here for your C2it balance bar" - a pop-up with your balance appears. It's very small
breeze, that's my FW thread...I'll update the post to reflect your information. Could you provide more details RE which cards were cash advances? Thanks, Dave