MP$40 - Question for you...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mvfl, Feb 5, 2001.

  1. mvfl

    mvfl Guest


    I noticed in one of your previous posts that you were approved for an AMEX Corporate Card. Is that difficult to get? Do you happen to know your score or what your score was when you got approved? I would like to apply for one with my current company but am worried about getting approved.

    Also, do you know if AMEX still offers the secured Optima?

  2. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    RE: MP$40 - Question for you..

    I can't tell you what my score was at the time but my credit was pretty bad. I had 1 judgment for ~$1200, collection for $1k, some other small collections totaling $250, 2 unpaid chargeoffs, 3 student loans listed as paid charge offs, and the list goes on (can't remember everything). Am/Ex ran a soft inquiry on Experian and some how I was approved! My card did have restrictions though ($5k for travel and $100 retail) but I got the retail limit (that's what I use it mostly for) bumped up to $500.

    Am/Ex is not offering the secured Optima anymore but there has been talk on this board that they are introducing another secured card this month or something....who knows....
  3. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    RE: MP$40 - Question for you..

    I can't tell you what my score was at the time but my credit was pretty bad. I had 1 judgment for ~$1200, collection for $1k, some other small collections totaling $250, 2 unpaid chargeoffs, 3 student loans listed as paid charge offs, and the list goes on (can't remember everything). Am/Ex ran a soft inquiry on Experian and some how I was approved! My card did have restrictions though ($5k for travel and $100 retail) but I got the retail limit (that's what I use it mostly for) bumped up to $500.

    Am/Ex is not offering the secured Optima anymore but there has been talk on this board that they are introducing another secured card this month or something....who knows....
  4. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    RE: MP$40 - Question for you..

    I can't tell you what my score was at the time but my credit was pretty bad. I had 1 judgment for ~$1200, collection for $1k, some other small collections totaling $250, 2 unpaid chargeoffs, 3 student loans listed as paid charge offs, and the list goes on (can't remember everything). Am/Ex ran a soft inquiry on Experian and some how I was approved! My card did have restrictions though ($5k for travel and $100 retail) but I got the retail limit (that's what I use it mostly for) bumped up to $500.

    Am/Ex is not offering the secured Optima anymore but there has been talk on this board that they are introducing another secured card this month or something....who knows....
  5. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Sorry...having network problem

  6. mvfl

    mvfl Guest

    RE: Sorry...having network pro

    Thanks for the info. About a year ago I applied for the Amex corp card through my last company and was denied. I'm sure they pulled Experian which at the time was my absolute worst report. Now it's my best and I have a couple of disputes going on right now, so maybe in a few weeks if those derogs get taken off I'll apply. Do you know if your company guarantees the account or is it base solely on your credit?
  7. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    RE: Sorry...having network pro

    I'm under the impression that it's solely on your credit. my job, if you are denied, your boss can sign a guarantee for you. That means that if you default on the card, the company pays for the charges and the are charged back to your boss's dept. Things might be different at your company. Just call your Am/Ex site administrator (if you have one) and see what they say? I know it's embarassing but they do keep this kind of info confidential so. At my job, I personally submit Am/Ex applications to the site administrator for employees. I don't even know if they are approved or not.
  8. mvfl

    mvfl Guest

    RE: Sorry...having network pro

    When I applied at my last job Amex sent a copy of the denial letter to our Amex administrator. It was really embarrassing because it was such a small company.

    I'm in better shape now since our Amex admin is in another building across the country. I doubt my company would offer to back the card though.

    I did call Amex and talked to the cust service department. The lady I spoke to didn't know the criteria but she gave me the number to call for "new accounts" and said they could probably give me more info about the criteria. I think I'm going to wait and see if my last disputes get deleted and if so I'll apply.

    When I applied last year I had no open tradelines besides my student loans which were in deferment and incorrectly being reported as past-due. I had about 7 charg-offs and 2 collection accounts and an old paid loan with some reported lates. Since then 4 charge-offs have been deleted and 2 more are about to be deleted, and most likely one or both collections will be deleted. Additionally I now have a year-old cap1 account with great history and I recently opened 2 more cc accounts (with low limits). Hopefully having those 2 accounts as so new won't hurt me.
  9. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    RE: Sorry...having network pro

    My advice is the get what you can deleted off of your reports and then apply for the card. I'm sure you'll get it. I got the card and my report was FINISHED! Me getting that card is what prompted me to clean up my credit.

    I know how embarassing it must be to be denied the Corporate card. The best is when my boss's boss who was new to the company applied for the card. He didn't hear anything and asked me to check the status. I called the site admin. and was told that he was DECLINED! I was so sick! This is a man who's ATM receipt fell out of his pocket one time and I picked it up and he had over $300K in his checking account! I didn't want to have to tell him this. So I told him to call the site admin. Come to find out that they had his SSN off by a number and he was approved no problem.
  10. mvfl

    mvfl Guest

    RE: Sorry...having network pro

    Thanks for the advice. I'll keep my fingers crossed and apply for the card if that stuff comes off my report.

    I will still have some paid off closed accounts that still show some previous late payments and a paid charg-off, so I think those will still keep my score from being good. But, we'll see what happens.

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