Talked to Me Cooke and he settled with me on my Capital One Card . Original balance was $1200.00 , I settled for $350.00 and a R5 rating . He is sending me a letter to confirm arrangements . Thanks eveyone for the heads up .
Re: Mr Cooke lives up to reputation At least the CA dogs won't be sic'd on you, and you won't have to suffer with multiple R9 ratings. Mr. Cooke is great about coming up with consumer-friendly $ settlement terms. Wait around 6 months and then beg for an upgrade from R5 to R4. Call, write, PFB, Goodwill, Nutcase, etc. after about six months, then at 3 month intervals. If the wheel squeaks enough it may be greased. Doc
Re: Mr Cooke lives up to reputation Doc...have you been able to get a upgraded rating from Cap 1 ? If so, who did you talk to ?
Re: Mr Cooke lives up to reputation I paid 100% of my balances owed to Capital One. CL originally were $300 & $500 and I ended up paying them over $2000 with lates, interest etc, the best I got was R5. I even faxed him my credit reports (all 3) after the lawsuits showing I had perfect credit and begged for ANYTHING better than R5...he wouldn't budge. They are only left reporting on EQ now but seriously bringing my score down because R5 means you are currently 120+ days late. I wished I could get a better rating or deletion on EQ but he won't budge
Re: Mr Cooke lives up to reputation Christi, That has been my experience as well. I think Mr. Cooke must have Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). Apparently he needs an appointment with
Re: Mr Cooke lives up to reputation sirrowan - I didn't read him that way - and living in San Francisco, I have experience LOL... arfff - dogman
Re: Mr Cooke lives up to reputation Tobasco, I never had any outstanding debts or chargeoffs, unfortunately (or fortunately), so I never had the need to ask Mr. Cooke for anything along that line. My poor credit history involved very late pays (90, 120, and 150 late pays) for several student loan and credit card accounts; I used a combination of Nutcase letters, Goodwill letters, CRA disputes, and finally small claims lawsuits to clean up my credit reports over the course of about a year. Capital One was not one of my "late pay" tradelines. Instead, Capital One was the first company that approved me after I had begun my credit repair efforts. Doc
Re: Mr Cooke lives up to reputation You can have unresolved issues involving the opposite sex irrespective of your sexual orientation. (Of course you know that, but I thought I'd toss this info nugget out there in case your comment was misinterpreted by some casual reader out there, lol.) Examples: 1) ...the straight guy with the emotionally vacant mother who treats many women with contempt 2) ...the gay guy who treats women coldly because of unconscious fears regarding intimacy with them 3) ...the straight woman who has mistrusted men because of the shabby way she's been treated in her own significant relationships 4) ...the straight or lesbian woman who is so justifiably upset by male-dominated societal structures that she generally prefers to avoid them Of course these are cliché-ridden examples; in fact, the richness of life provides far more interesting examples (i.e., the lesbian who treats women badly because of her own unconscious self-directed hatred; the straight guy who treats men badly because of unresolved issues related to his unconcious attraction to other men; etc., etc., etc.). Oh, I left one out... 5) ...the male customer service representative who works at a major credit card company who treats men better than women due to his own long-held sexist proclivities LOL, the list can go on and on, and ones sexual "liking" for women or men have little to do with it. Doc
Re: Mr Cooke lives up to reputation I paid almost all of my chargeoff in 1999, and 11/01 I asked him to delete, he agreed to an R5, BUT it now says R9. We've back and forth about this for almost a year.