multiple hard IQ same day same co.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fun4u2, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. fun4u2

    fun4u2 Well-Known Member

    since the CRA do not allow consumer disputes for inquiries one must play the pass the buck game.

    I had several convos w/ the creditor who first claimed they pulled soft IQ when in fact they pulled hard.

    second they can't seem to determine why my CR was pulled in the first place let alone 2 HARDS in the same day.

    this non PP is getting me a bit agitated now as I can't seem to get resolution, I don't want another court issue and no amount of communication appears to resolve the problem.

    threatening to take my business elsewhere hasn't even triggered an apology or possible solution .

    has anyone been successful in writing to the CRA and the CRA remove the IQ?
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    What type of business is this, and how illegitimate would their pull be, if their defense was "We inquired based on a transaction initiated by the consumer"?
    What was your method of payment, credit card, check? Were you paying in advance, or after goods or services were provided or shipped?

    If credit card, does VISA or MasterCard have any policy on credit inquiries by merchants when their cards are used?

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