I wish I was "qualified "Sister Girl", but as you said, "Since nobody Have the answers",I nominate you. KNDT
SUSPICIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSS .. Gotta Love It. Whatever. God Bless, Christi. Sounds like you're going to get the help you've been pleading for 184+ posts. Bet you sleep good tonight,huh ? KNDT,SuspiciouSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Christi, Since Keyhoy2k has posted 42 times and will not answer you or even respond to your post, I will try. Only dispute 4 or 5 items at most at any one time or you risk the entirety being tossed out as frivolous. Some even do 2 at a time and then send them in every 2 weeks instead of doing one "round" of disputes in any one cycle. I get them returned as verified and everyone else does too...keep trying and document every step. When they come back as verified, send a demand letter asking for proof of who they contacted, when, how, what the evidence is that YOU are the proper person of record who established the account (like signature on a contract)....etc. As far as the validation letters go, do them in conjunction with the disputes. You are doing it already as I see in your post. Send the C&D letter too if they are contacting you. Do EVERYTHING by mail, document each step...and do NOTHING by phone. Do NOT sent the CA or the CRA's any information about the account or additional information, only the bare minimum (see the SAMPLE letters section..they will help you lots). Your positive accounts are great!!! They will help you LOADS when you get the negs cleaned up. Don't let scores frustrate you as the negatives will have to go before the positives will help your score. Keep paying on time and make sure you don't extend yourself...as things start to get better you WILL get extended more credit, use it wisely. Let us know what happens after you get responses from the validation letters and the disputes...keep chugging it does work it just takes time. GOOD LUCK!!! -Peace, Dave