I received letters from my banks about restraining orders on my accounts. My bank accounts have either been withdrawn or placed on hold due to judgement against me. All my money is gone. Although, the judgement letters states only $2,0xx, my bank accounts withheld or withdrawn are over $ 6k. I never knew of any lawsuit. The letter stated that judgment was entered oin 6/11. This is all coming to a shock-I am penniless and dont know what to do. Can anyone help here? Is my money gone forever or being held back until I have a day in court? Please help!
Did those letters from the bank indicte who the judgment creditor is? Get in touch with them - the ones who stole your money - and try to work something out.
You need to contact your local court house and look up any judgments filed against you. Find out who the creditor or collection agency is and get their contact information. Find out what the amount is and also look up how the judgment was served notice, ask the clerk what proper service is for your state. Sometimes they have to hand deliver it and then you see an officer at your door. Sometimes they can just mail the letter or worse they can post it in the local newspaper. You can ask them to vacate the judgment if is was not served properly. Also you want to pull a copy of your credit report it might be listed there for you to see. You can get a copy of your report at www.annualcreditreport.com Hopefully it was not for too great of an amount. A portion could be returned but if the judgment is for more then the amount taken you might have lost it for good. Also another thing if you get a copy of the credit report see if you can find the original creditor listing for the debt and see when it initially defaulted. See if it has expired outside of the Statute of Limitations you could also dispute that with the court to get the judgment removed. Do you recall defaulting on any debt, if not it could be a case of ID Theft, then you would need to file a police report and fill out and affidavit to send to the creditor / collection agency and the CRA / court house. Stop any automatic deposits that you may have don't let any more money get taken.
Account Seizure Not Necessarily The End of the Matter On another board, one poster complained of a creditor having "bear hugged" his or her bank accounts for a full year ... but when the year expired, the order was evidently automatically dissolved and the accounts were unfrozen. It may be that in some cases, accounts are frozen in circumstances where the creditor could not (or is not willing to expend the effort to) pursue the remedy all the way to its logical conclusion (the money being turned over to them). This may occur because the amount frozen is too small to justify it, or because perhaps the debtor would have some sort of defense to the attempt that might operate even in the absence of the debtor actually fighting it (the creditor may need to make some showing that it's really hard to make). While I wouldn't count on this sort of thing, keep in mind that "working something out" with the creditor just because the creditor has frozen one more more accounts may mean that money is being left on the table ... a proper analysis of what the creditor's remedies are and how they may be enforced may lead to the conclusion that they've bitten off something they're going to have to barf back up...
There has to be a judgement of some sort doesn't there in order for funds to be just frozen. And that is a process, does not just happen from one day to the next without the knowledge of the individual in question. You have to find out first as to where it is comming from. When you are being sued in court you will get the papers in 2 different ways: either by certified letter or the sheriff will hand deliver the paper work . I doubt that you had a judgement against you without you knowing. Did any one else in your family signed for papers and never told you? Good luck Joe
The link to my case Thanks for your responses. This link has exactly the information that is pertinent to my case, and there is also very useful info there debt-consolidation-credit-repair-service.com/forums/showthread.php?t=287864