my attempt to help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sdbrit68, Apr 8, 2006.

  1. sdbrit68

    sdbrit68 Member

    just started cleaning up my credit report 3 months ago, its amazing what can happen if you dedicate a minimum of 30 strong hours to learning the law and reading others experience...knowledge is definetly power.

    these are the agencies i have dealt with and results, so far decent results.

    Fallon agency - polite, gave prpoper validation, i then sent an intent to sue letter to the health club they represented, 5 days later they deleted entry from my credit report

    nco - re-aged my account (accidently of course) sent them a letter, they deleted from my report.

    continental credit - worked out a payment, they kept their agreement and had a deletion letter to me in 6 days.dealt with sarah g

    progressive management - same thing, worked out a small payment. deletion letter in 5 days. worked with marjorie a

    asset acceptance- sent improper validation, plus the account appears to be re-aged, sent second notice with intnet to sue, the have until april 14th to reply, then its small claims court for a minimum of inaccurate reporting ( $1000 per report? )

    credit portections association - no response to validation letter, sent second letter with intnet to sue. they have until april 14th, maybe they will provide a judge with proper validation.

    aaa collectors- no response to validation, but the tradeline mysteriously vanished from my reports

    mlk aquisations- sent me a demand, called them its from 1996. I asked if they understood statute of limitations, they said ok, we wont bother you again.

    so far i have been mostly a lurker on these sites,but hopefully will gain some experience to give others as time goes on.

    as far as credit bureaus go, good luck with TU so far, quick response, polite people, equifax, their people seem to think consumers are a bother, plus slow response, experian, haven't dealt with them much

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