My credit history- what to dispute?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kate04, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. kate04

    kate04 Member

    I thought this would be better than starting a few new topics, I need to know what would be the best way to handle each item on my credit history. I tried to make it simple to read and put many ???s on my questions. I know, I'm new, but I appreciate anyone's help!!!!

    Credit score: EQ 590/EX 608/TU 600

    1. Loan
    date open: August 2000
    EQ: OPEN(!) Bad Debt/sent to CA
    EX & TU : closed/charge off
    ----Dispute or try to get IIBK discharged 6/02?

    2.XXXX (collections for AT&T, sold to COMCAST locally in 2003)
    date open: Aug 2001
    payment status: $360; unpaid
    ----Dispute because AT&T sold to Comcast?

    3. HFC
    date open: September 1998
    EQ/EX/TU: 120 days/sent to CA
    ----Dispute or change to IIBK IIBK discharged 6/02?

    4. NISSAN (This car was a repo in 5/01)
    date open: June 1997
    EQ & EX: OPEN(!); sent to CA/charge off
    TU: closed, charge off
    ----Dispute or change to CLOSED & IIBK IIBK discharged 6/02?

    5. NISSAN MOTOR (yes, it's a dupe)
    TU: OPEN, zero balance, 30 days past due, last reported as OK 6/01
    ----How do I handle this dupe?

    date open: March 2001
    EQ: OPEN(!) & IIBK
    EX: correct (closed/IIBK)
    TU: OPEN(!) & 120 days past due
    ----Dispute OPEN on EQ & OPEN, 120 days on TU, right?

    7. xxxx COLLECTIONS
    date open: Nov 2001
    EQ: OPEN(!); $1k unpaid, but NO two year marks good or bad(?)
    ----Dispute or change to IIBK IIBK discharged 6/02?
    ----Leave it alone?

    date open: June 1996
    TU: $350 balance
    This account was paid & closed in good standing.
    ---Leave alone or dispute balance report only?

    9. MACYâ??S
    date open: December 1995
    TU: OPEN(!); paying as agreed
    This was closed by Macy's in '01 or '02, but is showing on TU as OK with zero balance, current through 2005! (?)
    ---Leave alone or dispute as closed?

    There are a few more, but they're about the same. I just want to get advice on how to handle each one since I'm new to this. Thanks again, I'm glad I found this site!! :)

  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    replies in red above.

    only dispute 2-3 per time and wait until you get those fixed before moving on to the next bunch. shouldn't be hard to fix if they were IIB - creditors rarely respond.(but there are those that do!)
  3. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    i forgot to add - Welcome aboard!
  4. kate04

    kate04 Member

    Re: Re: My credit history- what to dispute?

    Thanks! In regards to the Nissan dupe only on TU, should I go after that first and then dispute the original on all three?

    Also, I highly doubt I could get the BK deleted, even though I LOVE that idea. Why? I have more TLs than I listed here, I simply left them out because they're correct (zero balance, IIB). Should I dispute those as well, since they're still "bad"?

    HOW did you get your BK deleted!?

    Thanks again! :)
  5. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: My credit history- what to dispute?

    i think you should dispute the dup at the same time you dispute the regular account "neither of these accounts are mine and it appears there are two reporting for the same account"

    start with the incorrect listings and then move onto the ones IIB. keep your disputes to either not mine or not IIB.

    i got mine deleted once my TLs associated with it were removed or showing a non-IIB status. i disputed it like you would a TL and it came off. Most TL's have SOMETHING wrong with it and that includes bankruptcies - for instance, mine said BK date was 12/1/98 (really 12/18/98), so when i disputed i just said "i never filed bk on 12/1/98".
  6. kate04

    kate04 Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: My credit history- what to dispute?

    Ahhhh, nice. I know for a fact one is wrong, it lists the discharge date wrong. Actually, the two that have the same discharge date could be wrong, leaving me with one. That'd be nice! Is an incorrect discharge date enough!? :p

    Thanks again, you're my hero for today!
  7. kate04

    kate04 Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: My credit history- what to dispute?

    I just noticed another error. My Sears account was IIBK, and EXP & TU show the correct info. EQ also shows it as closed & IIBK, but they're reporting it OK every month. Do I dispute this anyway, or is it helping my score?


    EDIT! Ok, stupid question.. Since these are all years old, I don't have to send anything to the creditors, just dispute it to the CRAs, right?
  8. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: My credit history- what to dispute?

    dispute sears the same way.

    just the CRA's for now. if they keep coming back verfied you may need to dispute with the OC's later.

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