My credit is so so hosed I have no idea how to fix it does lexinton lawfirm work? I have tried letters they all come back verified help I wish I never met that devilwoman (my ex wife). Please give advice.
Team, I personally wouldn't recommend paying someone to do something you can do yourself. Not know what your credit situation is like, I can say only two things: 1)If you haven't done so already, read the first 3 posts on this board. When you are done, read them again! 2)Don't give up and be patient. It has taken me a long time to get where I'm at, and I still have a ways to go. When I started, both my wife's and my scores were in the 400s. Today, they are in the low 600s to low 700s. If you have shared account information on your reports, do everything first to separate your history from her such as dispute all old addresses. Good luck and don't worry, you will get yours....
Read the top 3 posts, then start doing searches on things that may interest you...Nutcase letters, validation, etc. You will find a ton of knowledge that way. Don't just jump right into it and start sending letters, and disputing, etc. Stay a bit and read all you can for a couple of weeks. It all starts to make sense after a cpl of weeks then you can jump in and start repairing your credit. Good luck!!
If you have time, doing the repair yourself is ideal and a great learning experience. If you don't have the time and can afford it, I read many great things about Lexinton Law Firm. I have heard that they are slow, but that they get results. Whatever you choose, good luck!
I'd bet 99% of the people here feel/have felt that there credit is/was *hosed*! You can do, just deal with one tradeline at a time. I'd bet that in 3-6 months, you will see improvement!
javan brings up a good point about MOST of us feeling hosed at one time or another. Check out this thread from earlier today: (I'm not sure how to paste a thread link into this message, but it's the one about a 144-point score jump on TU) I had my own "devilwoman", and I feel your pain. But keep your chin up, because you CAN do it!
Anyone willing to help me out there was a member on this board that was going to help me I sent him credit reports and he drafted one round of letters for me with less than desireable results then all of the sudden I get calls from a collection agency at a phone number not in my name and I havent heard from CA for 3-4 years...not implying anything just asking if anyone who has been sucessfuk is willing to give me a hand.
Got a question for ya..... 1. Why would you send your reports to someone you don't know?? Hhhmmmmm, smells of [TROLL] to me!!
I guess I am a gullible as ever hind sight is 20/20 I am just in such a state of depression and desperation that I was willing to try the guy doesn't reply to emails I really thought the dude was up and up....wowe is me.....
call him(her) out!! who is this person? another question.....if you didn't receive *desirable* help here before, why are you back?
I belive in honestpeople still...I know this is the year 2002 but there has to be REAL people out there still. I am only stating facts so here it goes...the member is ROBIN.....he said he would help me for free because he was going to start a credit repair company and neede the experience......Call me a loser but I still need help I have serious credit problems trying to avoid dreaded bancruptcy!!!
Troll Alert!!! Team, don't be too hard on yourself, all of us at some point have acted out in desperation. It is maddening to think you can trust someone when you are down and out, then poof! -everything you thought was good isn't so. My advice, the best thing you can do is to learn and work on your own credit score. This will accomplish the 2 most important things for you right now: 1) It WILL increase your credit scores 2) And it WILL empower you and promote your self-confidence. Again, patience is the key, but with a little time, you will see dramatic results-everyone here does for the most part. Also, for future reference: Never send anyone here your personal information especially your SSN, address, phone number, or account information. Credit fraud is too easy with these things. Also, this board is watched frequently by less than desirable employees of CRAs and CAs who try to collect consumer information so that they can somehow find validity in thier pathetic, sewer-dwelling, back-door efforts to subversely impact our credit while trying to make a dishonest living. Good luck
what the he** are you talking about? Help you with what? Do you want someone to repair your credit for FREE? If not, what are you asking about?
I need someone to guide me is all I already failed paying Bill whats his face at creditwrench and now the robin incident I need a seasoned sucessful person to help me guide in the credit restoraation process.
having no idea, what is wrong with your credit, i suggest you take the advice of the other posters, and start reading the first 3 threads. If you are serious about fixing your credit, you need to start doing searches on all the issues that relate to your problems. Yes, this takes a lot of time and some energy, but the learning curve is in direct proportion to how much you research. . . As 99% of the issues anybody has, have been discussed on the board at some point and resolved in one way or the other.
how does everyone feel aboiut the fact that I have fired off several verify letters to CA and they returned verified....have been working for about 6 months now figure I am labled frivilous?
I think you jumped in without having a clue what you were doing, and now you've dug yourself into a hole. Read, read and read some more. Then figure out what you need to do. Don't blame Robin, or anyone else on this board. We won't do the work for you, or do your research for you. We've all done the searches, and read til our eyes bugged out. What we will do is help guide you later, when you've done your research and figure out a game plan. Why on earth would you send a boardmember your whole CR, and expect them to fix it all for you for free? Have you tried to email her, instead of negatively posting about her on the board??
TeamSobaco, I am still here. Yes I offered to help you repair your credit and cma I am not a troll. I offered to help you for free and I told you in advance that I wasn't completely finished with my own credit repair. I returned to the office today (was at home sick with a crashed computer and could only use my brothers computer for a few minutes here and there as he runs a home business and uses it most of the time) and I see the email you sent me. It distresses me to think that you would come on the board and imply that I somhow tricked you. I told you that we should wait for CHOD to do the other disputes. I offered to do for free what others would only do for a fee and I told you upfront that this is something you can do for yourself. I made the offer and it still stands. However, since you have trashed my reputation in a public forum without telling the board that I wrote your validation letters for you and that we have already sent out one round of disputes and that I told you we would wait for CHOD to do the rest I am left to wonder who is the one that has been hosed (me or you). Like I said the offer still stands because I am good to my word but I would be less than honest if I were to say I am not a little upset about this.
i don't know about everyone else, but personally, i feel sorry for you. If you have the same mindset about repairing your credit towards other areas of your life, then you have many more issues that you need to deal with first... that are affecting your life negatively. I suggest you focus more on being self-sufficient while helping anybody and everybody you can and getting rid of your current mindset. It is extremely unhealthy and probably affects everything you do. I wish you love and peace in your life.