My first CA call--I'm so nervous!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tracyb0313, Aug 28, 2002.

  1. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    My old school bill found me. I applied for school a semester, I think it was around 97. I never went to classes but didn't officially withdraw. Now I owe them $800. A CA called out of the blue, they pulled a soft on EXP I noticed. I knew which CRA it was by the name they had. Anyway, I'm not sure what to do. I think I may have admitted the debt. I'm so bad at this....

    Ok, I told her I want something in the mail, she told me 5 letters have gone out this year. I never received one, because they didn't have my apt number. She said that I could do a payment plan, but she couldn't send me anything in writing that it wouldn't go on my reports. She just gave me her word! LOL like that means anything. She said that they are the 3rd agency to have this acct, and that they don't report to CRA's unless it's a student loan. She said there is no SOL on tuition bills. It's only $800, but I don't have it!! I just got my reports clean, and now this. I'm so upset, irrationally so probably. I just feel deflated. I told her I want proof that they own the debt, she told me that they don't, it was assigned. I told her I want proof that I owe the debt (even though I told her I enrolled, and didn't officially withdraw, only wrote a letter to the school explaining that I wasn't going--which the school doesn't have!) It's nowhere on my reports now, but I'm sure it will be soon. What should I do? (besides stop hyperventilating!)

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Calm down. Don't talk to them anymore on the phone!!! You send the validation letter in the mail. Don't ask for it on the phone - They always have an answer on the phone!

    Was there any student loan involved, or is it just the tuition bill? What state are you in?

    You have been on this board a long time - all you do on the phone is ask for their comapny name and address. No discussion - they will trick you!!
  4. rond1234

    rond1234 Well-Known Member

    They are lying, tuition is no different than any other debt as far as the statute goes. The only debt with no statute is Student Loans and that is just for collections. Tuition is not a Student Loan so don't let them fool you into thinking they are similar. Tuition is just another debt like a credit card or car loan, same rules.

    Validate the debt by CRR (Certified mail Return Receipt). When you get the green card back check your credit reports. If they are on the report dispute it with the credit bureau. If the collection agency verifies the debt with the collection agency but does not provide you with proper validation. At that point you have two options. I have been filing complaints with the Attorney Generals office and that has worked for me. Others say immediately file a lawsuit in Small Claims Court for FDCPA and FCRA violations. They are not allowed to try and collect a debt without first validating it when you request it and reporting to a credit bureau is trying to collect a debt.

    Do not speak with them on the phone again. If they call you after they have signed for the card tell them you are going to start recording the phone call because they are attempting to collect on a debt without validating first. Tell them you are now recording the call and want their name, position, company and alleged debt information. See how quick they want to get off the phone with you.

    Most of all stay calm.
  5. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'm calmer now! It's one thing to talk to CA's about hubbys debt, but mine is another story. I thought I had everything paid, and then this pops up. I know I owe it. I told hubby, NEVER talk to them on the phone, and I'm the one that freezes up! LOL

    Ok, I've written out a validation letter, sending it to the address that just showed up on my EXP report, soft inquiry. I know enough not to believe anything they say on the phone, but they make me so damn nervous. I'll be more prepared the next time. this is purely a tuition bill, no student loans involved. I live in maine. The SOL is 6 years, so it's not up yet. I actually have to get the date. I asked her on the phone, but she said they don't have that info. If I have to, I can call the school to get the paperwork, to prove the DOLA, so they can't try to reage on me. I'd say it was 1997, maybe fall of '96. Should I call the school to get exact DOLA?? Also, are we sure that tuition bills aren't exempt from SOL? I really want to pay it, so I can eventually get my transcripts from them, I just don't want it to show up on my reports!

    Ok, validation out today. I can call the school for DOLA. Anything else?
  6. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Ok, just mailed out the validation letter. Also, called the school and they are mailing me a bill. I'll try to go thru them. Anyway, it's from the fall of 1996. I don't know when the date would be, when the clock would start on something like this. It must be very close to SOL though, which is 6 yrs. in Maine (unless tuition is different) Any ideas?
  7. rond1234

    rond1234 Well-Known Member


    Can you settle with the School direct? Since you want a transcript from them eventually I would try and settle with the School contingent upon it not being on your credit report. You don't want to pay it and then the collection agency place a paid collection on your report.

    Get any agreement in writing so if it ever shows up on your report you can get rid of it. Make sure they agree to not put it on your report if paid. They can easily say they will cease collection or agree to settle for a certain amount only to place a paid collection on your report.
  8. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Well, I called the school, and she's sending me a bill. I think I could pay through them. I'm thinking of applying for a cc, and just putting the bill on that. I will definately get it in writing first. I'm going to wait to see what the bill says, as a DOLA. It's so close to the SOL--I just don't want the CA to try to sue me, the bastards. I'll wait and see what comes in the mail in the next few days! My guess is the school will let me pay. Usually, the OC doesn't give you the info. if it's sent to a CA. But, since it was assigned and not sold, I have a good chance of bypassing the CA altogether, if I can come up w. $800!! I'll def. try to get it in writing too!! Thanks for your help. I know I sounded panicky this morning. I'm so calm w/ dealing w. hubbys debts, but one call on mine and I fall apart!! LOL
  9. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Try to negotiate for a lower settlement with the College, seeing as you never went, they will have no records of you attending any classes. DONT put it on a CC, you're better off making a payment plan with the school for $50 a month, it would be onterest free, a CC wont be
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Why would you owe for services not provided?
    I never bought a car yesterday do why do I have to pay for it today?
    LB 59
  11. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    because I never "officially" withdrew, is what they told me. I have fought with them a few times over the last 6 yrs. about it, but I never win!

    While I'm on the subject, I just got the bill from the school, and it shows the date as 7/96, with late fees from 10/96. I have no idea what they would even put as the DOLA, but I assume it would be sometime between July and October. So, is there a SOL on tuition? The CA of course said no, some here said yes. I looked it up, but never found tuition specifically mentioned. Just wondering, because it would be up this fall if there IS a SOL. It won't really matter, I still want to pay it, and will go around the CA and deal directly w/ the school!!


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