My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK AG

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by roni, Nov 13, 2001.

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  1. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    "FAIR WARNING......."

    I will give you fair warning that some people will not like the next message. If it offends you, I'm sorry, but do not try to attack me personally. You don't have to read it. You can put me on ignore. I will be happy to talk facts and laws, but I will not respond to pity personal attacks.

    I sent this letter in an attempt to protect the rights of consumers and to ensure that a person/company is following the law. Why is anyone above the law?

    None of us want Experian, Equifax, Trans Union or a collection agency to be able to trample our legal rights, why should a Credit Repair Organization be any different?
  2. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    via certified mail 7000 0520 0013 6894 7998

    November 12, 2001

    Drew Edmondson
    Office of the Attorney General
    Consumer Protection Unit
    4545 N Lincoln Blvd #260
    Oklahoma City, OK 73105

    Mr. Edmondson:

    In the interest of protecting the rights of the consumers of Oklahoma and the other forty-nine states, I respectfully submit the attached Consumer Complaint Form and request the Consumer Protection Unit conduct an immediate and full investigation of Mr. Billie Bauer [address removed by pbm].

    Operating without any written contracts, Mr. Bauer solicits monthly fees from consumers in exchange for rendering credit repair services. As you will see in the attached documents, these services are marketed to consumers as Creditwrench, Tarless Filters and as an individual under his personal name. Whatever the name of his service, it operates under numerous and serious violations of the federal Credit Repair Organizations Act.

    As you review the attached documents, youâ??ll see documented violations of the Credit Repair Organizations Act including but not limited to:
    -False claims and/or guarantees of credit repair services
    -Perform services without a written contract and completed a three day waiting period
    -Collecting fees prior to rendering promised services
    -Failure to inform consumers about their legal rights under CROA, FDCPA and FCRA
    -Recommendations of not contacting the credit reporting bureaus directly
    -Failure to provide total cost for services
    -Failure to provide a detailed description of how services will be rendered
    -Failure to notify consumer how long services will take to achieve results
    -Misleading consumers by operating under three different names
    -Deceptive published listings for company telephone number
    -Failure to provide written â??Consumer Credit File Rightsâ? statement prior to rendering services
    -Failure to maintain Retention of Compliance Records

    Numerous times I have attempted to have Mr. Bauer to voluntarily act in accordance with the Credit Repair Organizations Act which regulates the service he operates. He has refused each and every effort with no remorse and in complete defiance of the law. I now come to you with this complaint to protect the rights of consumers and force his compliance with the law or face the consequences for his illegal actions.

    Mr. Edmondson, I hope your office recognizes the powerful voice marketing this illegal credit repair service over the internet can have and the numbers of consumers who could be seriously impacted as a result. I respectfully appeal that your investigation be swiftly completed and the outcome be quickly implemented to protect their rights as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention to this serious legal matter.

    OK Attorney General Consumer Complaint Form website printouts
    Credit Repair Organizations Act (Public Law 90-321, 82 Stat. 164)
    Federal Trade Commission pamphlet â??Credit Repair: Self Help May Be the Bestâ?
    Whois report for

    Federal Trade Commission- Consumer Affairs Office
    Better Business Bureau- Oklahoma City Office
  3. mglanham

    mglanham Well-Known Member

    what does this have to do with credit repair?
  4. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    Wow, although I strongly disagree with your basic premise that Bill is a "credit repair organization," I must give you serious credit for writing one heck of a well-written letter.

  5. mglanham

    mglanham Well-Known Member

    and also, I thought the PBM asked you to stop posting this garbage. Why don't you start complying with his/her demands. You wrote a letter, good for you, why do you feel the need to post it. It was intended for the OK AG, not all of us. If you wanted Bill to see it, you should have emailed it to him. Why is it that when I come on this board for info I am constantly seeing more and more garbage and less and less info. I know you already included your disclaimer................well thats no excuse. The only reason there is a disclaimer in your post is because you know it has nothing to do with the topic of credit repair to begin with. I wish this board was as useful as it used to be. You know, you use to be a big help on this board. Instead your one of the reasons I don't come here everyday to read anymore. Think about that.

  6. Lurker

    Lurker Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    I guess you missed the excerpt from Bill to Christine where HE SAYS HIS BUSINESS IS CREDIT REPAIR. Anyway, I guess comprehension is not your forte, whereas posting people's Whois information must make you feel like you are special. You seem to have your head stuck so far up Bill's ass, that it is difficult to ascertain where he ends and you begin. Enjoy!
  7. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    Doc, you're welcome to have your opinion, but I'm surprised someone as smart as you obviously are my friend is still in denial when Bill admits it!

    I know you've read the other thread that someone needed to post under a fake nick, but here it is again for the others.....

    And where Bill admits he's in credit repair and only posts on the boards to get business/make money...

    Enjoy the read. I hope it opens your mind a little! :)
  8. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    IMHO I don't believe Bill offers or does anything other than provide information for a fee. If this makes him or his business a Credit Repair Organization then by default every author, book publisher, and bookstore that has ever written, published or sold information on how to repair your credit should fall into the same category.
  9. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re-read that post. You'll see PBM said I made valid arguements and only requested that I show restraint and not reply to everyone of Bill's post.

    I have been completly complying! :) Have a nice day!
  10. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    Ok did I miss something here? What's the problem with Bill? Why should we care if he is or isn't a credit repair organization? I happen to like the information Bill posts on this board as well as yours bkev and many others. So what's the problem?
  11. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    Hal, since you have not read the definition of a Credit Repair Organization, allow me to quote the law....
    (3) Credit repair organization. -- The term 'credit repair organization'--

    (A) means any person who uses any instrumentality of interstate commerce or the mails to sell, provide, or perform (or represent that such person can or will sell, provide, or perform) any service, in return for the payment of money or other valuable consideration, for the express or implied purpose of--

    (i) improving any consumer's credit record, credit history, or credit rating; or

    (ii) providing advice or assistance to any consumer with regard to any activity or service described in clause (i); and

    (B) does not include--

    (i) any nonprofit organization which is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986;

    (ii) any creditor (as defined in section 103 of the Truth in Lending Act),(5) with respect to any consumer, to the extent the creditor is assisting the consumer to restructure any debt owed by the consumer to the creditor; or

    (iii) any depository institution (as that term is defined in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act) or any Federal or State credit union (as those terms are defined in section 101 of the Federal Credit Union Act), or any affiliate or subsidiary of such a depository institution or credit union.

    What makes Bill different than a book? A book has no feedback. Bill is an admitted credit repair consultant. He doesn't just supply the information, he works with his customers.
  12. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    A big ego at work.
    What is your true point? If you don't like Bill, fine. Don't make us a part of it!

    Your post has provided nothing of any value to anyone interested in repairing/rebuilding their credit.

  13. BigH

    BigH Guest

    Out of curiosity I, too have contacted NYS AG to see
    if any complaints have been received by his office
    regarding Bill. I told Bill in a public post and he said
    ok. I did not, however, feel the need for self promotion by copying my letter to this message board. The monitor in so many words asked your to
    refrain from your use of this board in the manner you
    seem to get some sort of thrill about. Can't you
    comport with the monitor's request or is it beyond your comprehension.

  14. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    I gave you a fair warning. Any company that is illegally solicting services for Credit Repair should be of direct interest to anyone repairing/rebuilding their credit.
  15. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    "any instrumentality of interstate commerce or the mails " - Hmm....I wonder if Amazon uses interstate commerce or the mails....

    "to sell, provide, or perform (or represent that such person can or will sell, provide, or perform) any service" - What is providing service:

    verb [T]
    (esp. of a person working in a shop, restaurant or hotel) to deal with (a customer) by taking their order, showing or selling them goods etc.

    Gosh I wonder if Amazon considers selling books as selling goods to someone!

    ", in return for the payment of money or other valuable consideration, " - of course bookstores online and brick and mortar offer free books!

    "i) improving any consumer's credit record, credit history, or credit rating; or

    (ii) providing advice or assistance to any consumer "

    - lets see - a quick search at Amazon lists 43 books on the subject of credit repair !

    Okay Amazon deals in interstate commerce through the mail, they provide a product in return for monetary consideration that provides information on improving one's credit record - OMG they are a credit repair organization - Thanks for proving my point!
  16. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK


    You didn't bother reading the end of my post, but if you really think that Amazon is also a Credit Repair Organization, you can also write a letter to their Attorney General. I have no problem with that... it's your right as a consumer.

    Have a nice day.
  17. mglanham

    mglanham Well-Known Member

    Re: My Letter to Drew Edmondson OK

    Mcgruff (akaBkev), I hope the PBM reads this and then gives you your own personal forum so that you can take all of this garbage and post it there. To be honest, I really don't care if Bill is breaking every law in the land, or soliciting his business on every board in every country. I come here for useful tips and discussion. Not to read about some superhero fighting crime. You should have CC'd Americas Most Wanted to see if they would be interested in stepping inl. What an idotic waste of time.
  18. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    bkev did you enclude attachments of letters to you from Bill's customers complaining and asking you to intervene on their behalf to protect their consumer rights? If you did not, then your complaint to the OK AG and the publishing of it on this forum is nothing less than self servant. If you have a complaint with Bill and his service then file it, but do not file one on behalf of his members because you feel that they are too stupid to file one on their own. I have not heard one of Bill's members complain that they have been ripped off by joining Creditwrench. File your complaint with the AG based upon your being ripped off, not b/c you THINK his members are being ripped and need your protection. pbm has asked you and Bill to stop this vendetta, you have not honored the request and it is obvious that this has become an obsession with you and you have lost the ability to just let it go. How sad.
  19. mglanham

    mglanham Well-Known Member

    Hey if you don't have the time to research Tuit's idea maybe you could have your crime fighting sidekick "the Lurker" check things out for ya................
  20. fingrrrl

    fingrrrl Well-Known Member

    When I was a little girl, my mommy taught me right from wrong. When I was a teenager, she taught me to drive and how to shave my legs without knicking them. When I got even older, she taught me the ways of the world and how some people scam others. I am an adult now and I don't need some "cyber" parent (YOU, Bkev!) to tell me that I should protect myself from Bill Bauer. I can take things he says with a grain of salt or I cannot. I can also do the same with you. If you want to complain to him, PLEASE do it elsewhere. As like others, I know I received fair warning, but this board is becoming the playground of an adult who is acting like a trite, little child (YOU, Bkev!) and trying to make everyone see that you're right and Bill's wrong. If you know dep down inside that you're right, at least take satisfaction in that. Don't waste all your time trying to make us see the same way. You'll only make more enemies, instead of friends.
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