My mothers the crook and I suffer

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jobtimer, Jun 13, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    Were you over 18 when this account was opened? If not, that right there may be all you need to get it off your record?

  2. jobtimer

    jobtimer Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    Here is the letter I faxed to them the first day I called them along with three of my signatures .

    So they already have a statement from me .

    Thanks everyone for your help , I think I'm going to need it .

    Sometime in 1997-1998 my mother (#$$##$) opened up a CTCE credit card in my name, at the time I had a CTCE savings and checking account. When I first saw CTCE on my credit report I thought it was my checking or savings account. I was unaware of a credit card being opened in my name. When I was living with her at the time she never told me that she had opened an account nor did I authorize her to open a account. Please investigate, and take what ever measures necessary. I am currently consulting with a lawyer on this issue, but I do not wish to prosecute. Worst comes to worst I am willing to pay the account balance owed for exchange of deletion of this false account. This unfortunately is not the first time #$$#@@ has done this sort of incident. Thank you for taking time out to taking care of this situation. I have enclosed different ways I have written my name the pass 5 years.
  3. jobtimer

    jobtimer Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    I had just turned 18 , believe me I wish I could get hthem with that one . Some utility bills was taken off my credit , because I provided proof that I was only 15 when the account was opened in my name .
  4. jobtimer

    jobtimer Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    Ok Everyone I need some suggestions . I am planing on Fedexing this letter to them on Monday .

    Can someone please help me edit it and make sure the right things are being said . Every time I call my Lawyer he charges me $85 an hour ( thats he's discount rate )

    Thank you so much ,

    Dear Glenn Potteiger,

    I have contacted $#$#$$ on May 16, 2002 concerning an account that my mother #$$#@n) opened without my permission in 1996-1997. I also told her that I do not wish to press charges against my mother because she is currently taking care of my younger brothers but I would like CTCE to do an comprehensive investigation on this account to prove that it is not mine . #@$$@$# told me to write my side of the story sign it and fax it back to her. She called me 2 days later and left a message on my voice mail. I returned her call on the next day. I was told by $$#$$# that she compared the fax signatures with signatures she had on file and they were the same. This is impossible.

    I am requesting that CTCE do a full investigation on account # $$#$#, Unless#$$#$# has Certified Graphologist after her name and can make 100% perfect judgment from faxed signatures I need a real investigation done immediately.

    I am requesting that you notify all of credit bureaus that this account is â??disputedâ? or that you delete this account until this matter is resolved. This is required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
    If there is any paperwork that I need to sign to confirm that this account is not mine, please send me the required documents.

    This is a written dispute of this account per the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Billing Act. The FCRA requires you to verify the validity of the item within 30 days. If the validity can not be verified, you are obligated by law to remove the item. Please be aware that I am exercising all of my rights per these laws and all other applicable laws protecting me.

    Because you have already violated my rights as a consumer by not taking this serious and creating an official investigation (§ 611. Procedure in case of disputed accuracy [15 U.S.C. § 1681i]), I will be filling a complaint with the FTC and BBB of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania.
    I currently have $%%$#, Attorney of Law looking at this case as well.

    If you would like to discus this matter any further please give me a call .


    Cc: FTC
    Cc: BBB of Metro Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
    Cc: $$#$##@, Attorney of Law
  5. jobtimer

    jobtimer Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    Sorry Reshod ,

    I've been fighting her stuff that is on my credit for the last 4 years. I'm tring to buy a house in 2002 with a intrest that doesnt feel like I'm being screwed with no vasoiline .
    It seems like I was born with bad credit . I have so much s##$ on my credit it'll take another 6 months to a year to be debt free . And the funny part is that I have 2 I1's that are mine and about 6 R9's that are not mine (it was 16 last year)

    Thank you for everything ,
  6. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Not trying to be a snit here, but do tell how you changed your signature? Making a letter or 2 different does not change your signature. Your entire personality is in your signature. Your health problems are in your signature. You cannot change your signature on a whim. Anyone with a clue can still match your signatures. However, there have been books written on overcoming psychological problems (low self esteem, etc.) by consciously attempting to make changes to your writing. Not sure if I buy that or not... but it is interesting.

    I seriously get the impression that everyone here thinks handwriting analysis is a bunch of BS - anything I've ever said about it gets no response. If it's of no interest, someone tell me and I'll quit rambling about it when someone brings up signatures matching/not matching! =-) It's not my goal to continually bring up a topic that is of no interest to the group. So... say the word and I'll bite my tongue.. er.. fingers? <G>

  7. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    Have you tried using the standard validation route? They would be silly to try and go up against you with these debts; they absolutely don't belong to you.
  8. jobtimer

    jobtimer Well-Known Member

    Ozzy ,

    Your actully right, In collage this was a big topic that was studied , but when I say I changed Signature it just means my overall style of writting has changed from 18 years old to 24 years old nothing deeper , Yes I'm sure if you analize my signature I'm sure you would find lots of about me , Please remember who we are dealing with a bunch of wantabe Certified Graphologist who only want to confuse and misdirect consumers .

    thank you,
  9. jobtimer

    jobtimer Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    i just found this site a two week ago, there is lot of things I didnt know about until now . I have about 5 validation letters ( certified letters) now and waiting for the green tags

    thank you,
  10. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    Thank you, clc, for your post on the reality of motherhood!

    Every time I see this thread rise with the crook in the title, I cringe.

  11. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff


    Please don't stop posting about signatures, I'm very interested, really? health problems even.

    I'd not accept a determination by a creditor that the signatures did or didn't match, that's only one person's opinion.

    If you want to make that assertion in a court room, it takes a specialist to testify for any credibility or consideration.

  12. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    I know how you must be a mother as well.

    Don't get me wrong, jobtimer, what you're mother did was morally wrong and I don't condone it for a minute...let's just concentrate on clearing your credit without putting your mother in harm's way.

    It also would be appropriate to tell her in a firm but loving way that her behavior is effecting your future and if she continues with flagrant disregard you will have to take whatever means necessary to stop it. In this way you give her a choice (the secret weapon in raising teenagers!) making the "right" choice the obvious one.

    Good luck,

  13. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    yes I am, clc, 4 times!

    Your post is well said, exactly.

  14. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    It's really hard when your own family member messes things up for you. I hope you get through this time and hopefully you will be able to build a new relationship with your mother if that's what you want.

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