Ive had the Macys card since '98, my name on it is printed in reverse order (last, Mi, first)I thought this was the way they issued their cards And driver licenses here also issue licenses with names in reverse order. So I left it alone. When I looked at my friends card, his name is in the first,mi,last order. I found that odd and contacted macy's customer service online and got a response back saying blah blah, the account was open since 98 and you did not request a change at that time, to change the name you will need to send a copy of your driver's license and social security card to this address. Is sending the DL and SS card really necessary for such a rediculous correction? I do not feel comfortable in sending a copy of DL and SS card unless it is really really necessary, in case it gets lost and falls into the wrong hands. Do you think I will get better results if I were to call a live person on the phone to have them correct it?
I have had the same thing happen to me. But it was with Rich's instead. I have never corrected this yet. Although on my credit report it showed my name in reverse order. They also requested me to send my DL and SS card. I do not understand why they would need this to change my first and last name around.
I would not want to risk sending info in the mail which could potentially lead to identity theft if it gets into the wrong hands for something so minor such as switching the first and last name around. I would be glad to fax it to them and then immediately call back after they get it to make sure the paper they got is gonna be destroyed, shredded whatever after they are done making the changes.