My negative experience with Chase

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KevPochop, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    Dear William Harrison:

    I applied for an account with Chase the beginning of October 2004. When I applied for this account I included a balance transfer payable to Target Visa in the amount of $4370.00.

    From the beginning of having my new account with Chase I have had a magnitude of problems. I work in the banking industry and over the number of years I have been in this business I have never seen the types of problems I have endured on one single account in such a short time period.

    After I received my card from Chase I requested some additional balance transfers. A few days later after logging into the Chase website I saw there was a security block placed on my account asking me to call in. I did so immediately. Your security department wanted to verify it was indeed me making the balance transfer requests. (I did NOT have a problem with this) What I did have a problem with was your computer system KEPT putting an automatic block on my card which caused me to call back into your security department SIX times. Even people in your security department stated to me â??We do not understand why you keep getting transferred back to our department when we have verified our information multiple times nowâ?.

    The original balance transfer to Target Visa was bounced back to Chase. I was OK with this. I called Chase customer service asking the question â??Since this balance transfer was bounced back to Chase for whatever reason, would Chase re-process this balance transfer on their own?â? They told me no. I would have to make a second request for this balance transfer to be paid. I called Chase again the following day because I wanted to confirm this information to be accurate. Several days later while I was on the phone with Target Visa whereas I was closing my Target Visa the representative informed me I had a very large credit balance on my account. I realized at that point Chase re-processed the balance transfer without my authorization after they told me they would not.

    At this point I called Chase customer service whereas I was informed this balance transfer request was re-processed in the amount of $4,370.03. I was told Chase sent Target Visa a paper check. I asked for a stop payment placed on this instrument. They told me no problem; this transaction will not be paid. I called Chase back the following day to confirm there was a stop payment placed on this instrument. They told me there was a stop payment placed whereas this transaction will not be paid. The following day I log into my Chase account to find out this transaction was paid.

    One of the many balance transfer requests I processed was to Household Credit Services for 704.64. Because of the original problems I had with the security department, they told me this balance transfer had to be re-processed because it had been voided out. (I did NOT have a problem with this) I called Chase customer service on October 15, 2004 to request a second balance transfer request to Household Credit Service. The second balance transfer to Household Credit Service for whatever reason was not processed.

    When the two balance transfers did not go through, one from Target Visa and the initial one to Household credit service your computer system charged me a declined transfer fee of $29.00 each? I could not believe this! These balance transfers were not declined because I did not have sufficient available credit or an error on my part but your system decided to charge me a fee? This money was returned at me but I never should have had to make the request.

    Earlier this week I logged into the Chase web site to find out I am over my assigned credit limit. I was quite concerned because I had a special offer on my account. My account was originally setup with an $8,000 credit limit. According to my special offer, Chase would increase my credit limit up to an additional $7,000 totaling $15,000.00. When your marketing department increased my credit limit to accommodate my transactions and/or balance transfer request they made a mathematical error. They set my credit limit at $12,300.00 whereas it should have been set at least $13,300.00 to accommodate all outstanding transactions. They tell me I am in a catch 22 situation because my credit limit cannot be re-adjusted until I am below my credit limit. I made payments to bring my account over the credit limit.

    I never should have been over my assigned credit limit on my Chase account according to the special offer I received. Even though the error was Chaseâ??, my account still shows I was over the credit limit. I am very unhappy with this. Chase made several errors with balance transfers I request. The representatives at Chase are giving out wrong information. What gives at Chase? Is this all normal for the average customer?

    My tenure with American Express spans over ten years. I have a beautiful account with American Express. I am treated with the utmost respect. If I ever have a question or whatever, my concerns are dealt with in a timely manner. To be honest I do not believe I have ever had a negative experience with American Express. I have many friends who have accounts with American Express; none of them have been treated poorly. Maybe Chase can learn a thing or two from American Express?

    I would like you to give me a reason to continue my relationship with Chase. At this point I cannot see much of a reason. I would like to give your office a chance at making this relationship mutually beneficial before I take such action of paying off and permanently closing my account.

    I would like to thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


  2. dstdiva

    dstdiva Well-Known Member

    have you gotten a response?
  3. aikidokap

    aikidokap Well-Known Member

    Wow....I actually had to re-read the OP twice.

    Let's just hope that after your "numbers of years in the banking industry", you get your ass back to school and actually *DO* your grammar homework this time.

    You write like a poorly educated 12 year-old.

    Using big words incorrectly doesn't make you seem smarter, it simply illustrates for the rest of us just what a dolt you are.

    That is all. Pass the Bactine...Kevin needs it.

  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    What the hell is your problem anyway? Someone who's "been here" for a year, with a whopping 66 posts, hardly has room to whine about anything.


    Kev I like your letter. First, you don't want to sound like a Rocket Scientist, but rather, a "least sophisticated" consumer. Your tone has just the right amount of frustration, and at the same time does a great job at detailing the situation.

    I suspect both heaven AND hell will be moved by corporate to repair this problem.

    Let us know what happens.

  5. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    I have gotten a response. They waived all my balance transfer fees as well as extended my 1.9% interest for another year on top of what they already given me. 1.9% until April 2006. My account is finally straightened out.
  6. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    How dare you disrespect me? Do I know you? If this wasn't a public message board I will tell you where to go!
  7. aikidokap

    aikidokap Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: My negative experience with Chase

    How DARE I?

    <laughing> Who are you? King o' the Hillbillies? Of course you don't know me. That is the entire point of my post. Whether you post here, or in that letter you enclosed, the only impression you give is through your language.

    To help you along in your remedial grasp of the language, it would be "I would tell you where to go!"
  8. aikidokap

    aikidokap Well-Known Member

    My post had no criticism for either his length of particupation on this board nor the number of posts he's made. I therefore fail to see how these are relevant to my comments.

    YOUR comments also include a reference to the poster not sounding like a "rocket scientist" in his letter.

    My comment was a bit caustic, but don't you think that a professional, business letter should perhaps get the benefit of hitting that cute little grammar key in the word processor?

    I mean, you know...just a thought I thunk.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: My negative experience with Cha


  10. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    Re: My negative experience with Cha


    Aside from the negativity, have you had any response from Chase? Chase is one of the first cards going to the sock drawer after the new year. I really hate them and their card. Let us know if you get a response.
  11. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: My negative experience with Chase

    De Minimis Non Curat Praetor!
  12. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: My negative experience with Cha

    Annie, check back about 5 posts, Kev did get satisfaction from Chase!
  13. aikidokap

    aikidokap Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: My negative experience with Chase

    True! But are they really so petty?

    Diligentia maximum etiam mediocris ingeni subsidium!

  14. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: My negative experience with Chase

    You are correct, that is why so many people here are able to accomplish so much
  15. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: My negative experie

    wow, someone with the same IP address as you, in the same section of CA you live in, running the same netscreen firewall, and having the same unusual username posted this at craigslist:

    Posting problems... < aikidokap > 11/04 10:57:17

    Each time I try to post new things into either the Erotic Services, Casual Encounters, or any of the Personal sections of Los Angeles CL, I get bounced.

    I get this:
    This posting is being blocked: Error 2196035
    Common reasons include:
    Personals ad appears to contain a phone #, email address, or URL
    Post contains links to commercial websites
    Post contains links to auctions
    Other possibilities are listed in the Conduct section of our Terms of Use
    If you believe this block to be in error, please click here.


    Here is what I tried to post:

    Subject line: Warning


    As a sometime hobbyist here on CL, I thought I'd pass on some info I've received.

    From two different "semi-pro" providers in the last week, I've been told that OC LE is gearing up for an incall john sting.

    Supposedly they are going to specifically target CL users as their main method to set up the deals.

    I had thought this was entrapment, so take it as you will.

    I cannot see what violates terms of service. I've tried changing my reply address, the content, pretty much anything I can and it never goes throughâ?¦I always get the same error.

    Any ideas?


    Such a "smart" guy should know better than to solicit prostitutes anyway! I hope you are not typing your "snippy" replies here with one hand!!!!

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