My New Car + Questions

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by RWB, Feb 5, 2002.

  1. mel

    mel Well-Known Member

    I just got approved for financing through them and was told by my rep that after 8-12 mos of payments HH would refinance my loan at a lower rate.
  2. Jeff

    Jeff Guest


    Cap1 exec. offices
    Mr. Cooke
    1-800-955-1455 8am-5pm eastern
  3. AJiLE

    AJiLE Well-Known Member

    RWB, I sincerely apologize if I came across negatively towards you. That was not at all my intention. Again, I'm just getting completely frustrated with MY credit situation.

    My situation:

    Bounced checks (several, though most (not trying to duck responsibility) caused by my EX-wife forging my name on checks and screwing up my balancing efforts). YES, they DO report those when they go to collections!

    Two repos (one fell off, ex-wife's car after she didn't want to pay anything on it, and stupid me co-signed). The other was a lemon, that I told them to take back after I replaced TWO (count 'em, 2 ENGINES)!!! Note: Anyone in Missouri, stay away from GMC Auto Sales, anyone in the U.S., stay way from Credit Acceptance Corporation (CAC. Nasdaq CACC). Predatory tactics to the HILT!

    TONS of medical collections, primarily from my ex-wife, 3-4 from me when I first got off of Active Duty and worked for a lousy company that supposedly OFFERED insurance but the insurance company was insolvent. NOTE 2: NEVER EVER NEVER WORK for Morgan Building & Spa, based in Tx, but located throughout the southeast and midwest!

    I had never obtained a credit card prior to 1997, and now wish I never had (balances are low, but so are the Credit Limits... thanks Cap1). I've still never figured out how to get a hold of this "magical" Mr. Cooke!

    Anyway, I hope that everything works out for you. Me, I'm just grumbling about the fact that I used all of my "disposable income" (btw, who in the He** coined THAT phrase... I earn over 60K a year, and have NEVER had "disposable income") on bills that, NOW I come to find out I probably shouldn't have paid in the first place! And, more importantly, I would already have been in the place that I want to be!


    A. J.

    I see the light! No, wait... that's the... aaaaaaaarrrghhhhhh.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztttttt
  4. AJiLE

    AJiLE Well-Known Member


    Thank you for the info. I might just have to try and give him a call to see what I can do to get a 1/2 way decent credit limit.

    Best regards,

    A. J.

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