My Plan

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by atttaboy, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. atttaboy

    atttaboy Member

    I've read a good bit on here, CreditBoard and AOC. I'm taking the collective advice and am posting my plan. I'm looking to have it critiqued (as I'm sure it will be) and then execute it:

    The Situation:

    I pulled all 3 CRAs, disputed names, SSNs and addresses. Everything was deleted except for 1 old address on EXP - from what I've read, that is not a surprise. Ordered the free PG 3-mo trial.

    I've got:
    4 old unpaid COs all past the 4 YR GA SOL - total ~$3K
    2 Public Record COs (Bell South ~ $275 and a $60 dentist charge - wtf?),
    An MBNA account: "pays as agrees" but "closed by credit grantor" - from '97
    3 Positive Revovling TLs - 3 CCs totalling $1K in Credit Limit (Crap1, Chevron, HH) (all 6-18 mos, never late, PIF)
    1 Positive Installment (2 yrs into a 3 yr car loan through HH)
    1 Very old Positive/unrated Student Loan from '86 - all good or unrated
    1 Debit Card reporting from '95-96 on 1 CRA report only
    1-2 old closed accounts from 97-99 (depending on the CRA)

    FICOs 591, 607, 625.

    Qualify for a decent mortgage with SignOth - (he currently owns the house we live in and I pay rent to him - he's got great credit and very high income) - I've avoided the credit discussion so he is not directly aware of the situation and I'd like to keep it like that...

    Get some higher-limit CCs unsecured

    Current Financial situation:

    I've made ~6 figs for the past 2 yrs and this yr will be the same (this is a recent development and a departure from my past).

    I've put all expenses on a Debit Card (I know, but I had no real choice). I travel a lot for work and couldn't get the CorpAmEx - so thousands go through debit every month.

    I keep ~$15K in Checking for the Debit Card

    Max the 401 K for the last 3-4 yrs


    I've drafted my CRA dispute letters for the 4 COs and the public records - I'm disputing all of these accounts with each CRA.

    From recent reading, I'm NOT going to dispute the MBNA at this time because it has some "age" to it and may hurt the FICO if it falls off.

    Set a meeting with my bank to see if they will report my debit card on all 3 reports with my average balance as the credit limit - has anyone had any luck in something like this? (my thought is that it would be an aged TL from '95, would be positive, and would show a high limit with 0% util). They've contacted me recently and said they'd like to talk to me about some credit instruments - they have not pulled my CR.

    Open a secured CC with a Credit Union that my employer is affiliated with - I am not a current member, but could probably open an account there.


  2. atttaboy

    atttaboy Member

    friendly bump -

    looking for advice on an "success stories" in getting banks to report VISA Check Cards, and also advice on the strategy to not dispute the MBNA - "closed by credit grantor"...


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