ok i finally took the plunge and checked my equifax and experian scores. 625 and 666. i thought it would be worse, but its definitely not great. heres the bigges question: i owe around 4k on a card i stopped paying on about 2 yrs ago. the current CA (went from OC to CA to current CA) is taking me to court. it went to the lower magisterial court, they didnt show so i won. then they filed appeal, so its going to county level. i have a few days left to file an answer. ive sent validation letters, all they have sent is a copy of one of the last OC statements, a copy of the notarized report saying the debt was assigned from the old CA to the current one, and a copy of a general "credit card policies" that everyone gets with a new card (meaning no signed contract) i dont think they even know the actual date this account was opened. should i fight this in court, and risk getting a judgement against me anyway or should i offer to settle for a fraction? i could possibly afford to make small payments, but no way can i afford a lump sum of more than, say, $150. what is the best way to approach this? i have other deliquent accnts i am also working on, so far this is the only one in court. i'm young (mid 20s)and made dumb decisions when i was in my late teens. now with my newly discovered knowledge i want to build good credit for the future.