My take on Me!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by humblemarc, Nov 30, 2002.

  1. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    In light of all the recent attacks on me. I have decided to take a "vacation" from posting.
    It seems to me, many people on this board would rather be hand-fed info. and opinions (regardless if it is correct or not) than do their own research and formulate their OWN opinions and strategies based upon the 5000 past and current members and the 30,000+ threads. In my opinion, this is just plain laziness, and I will not contribute to it. I am always willing to help those who have shown that they are willing to do their own homework and research first.
    Those who have emailed me privately with their questions have heard me comment that most, if not all, of the facts, opinions, strategies, that I have used are just a combination of past posts, common sense, and a little imagination, all learned here at Creditnet.

    But I grow tired of seeing grown adults who are not willing to take matters into their own hands and spend the time and minimal energy to understand "credit repair" in order to clean up their reports and, indirectly, their lives.
    On the other hand, I have spent many sleepless night, reading, understanding, and researching techniques and opinions, in order to improve my clients' credit worthiness.

    In fact, I have little to add to this board, that has not been chronicled already within this site.

    If it offends you, that I would rather see you gain a basic overall understanding of credit repair than just answer your one or two questions about something that is easily found within this site, then so be it. You can hope and pray that the person giving you an answer KNOWS 100% for sure what they are talking about, understands your question properly, and is not a troll deliberently(sp?) giving you wrong advice.

    Helping repair people's credit is something i enjoy doing, but reading this board lately has not been fun. Those who have read all of my threads, know what I am about and what I stand for.

    Below are a few of my post relating to this topic.
    Good bye for now.
    It's okay to post questions, but many of your questions are already answered in the Faqs pages or other threads. A little research goes a long way, esp. since what I or other posters have done may or may not work in your situation. You can get a broader perspective but reading ALL or MOST of related topics to see different opinions, strategies, etc., and most importantly develop a new strategy that will work for you and help others.

    But in the long run, you learn a lot more about credit repair by reading through what seems like a lot of threads. It speeds up the learning curve. Plus you get the benefit of other people's opinions who have been on the board a lot longer (or who no longer post) than you or I or even the "vets." There are many, many, strategies and facts that are in old buried threads, that aren't in the faqs or people have forgotten. don't shortchange yourself or your credit repair by going for the quick, easy answer.
    Ok, (another diatribe from me)
    First of all, I have "jumped" on many people on this board including Greg Fisher(who was a long time poster while i was a "newbie"), before the incident with Quixote, so don't feel so honored as to think I 'only' harass newbies.

    Secondly, and more importantly, since joining this board i have read at least 90% of all the post and everyone in the last few months. I don't know how many times each week, i read about someone making a mistake i.e. sending FDCPA letters to OCs, nutcasing a open CC acount, etc. etc. and it causing them more harm than good.
    Ttowns' tagline is a quote from Marcus Aurielius(who i'm named after), saying "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime."
    This applies to anyone, vet or newbie. I have stated for the record several times, many people go out of their way and take time out of their own day to answer questions on this board, so yes, I often get impatient with people who haven't done their due diligence and researched the subject for themselves before asking the question. And I often see other "newbies" giving inaccurate or incomplete advise to "newbies" who either haven't done their research or plain just don't know any better.
    THAT is why i instruct newbies to read the top 3 threads. In both Psychdoc's and Nave's threads, it expressly says, DO YOUR RESEARCH!
    Depending on my mood, if i see someone has NOT done the MINIMAL research and asks a question that is answered on the FAQS page, i may or may not admonish them, but for their own good.

    In my experience, the same habits of not thoroughly reading the pre-requisite "primer" threads, not only affects their ability to repair their credit, but also affects MANY other parts of their life as well.
    In that case, the KINDEST thing, i can do for that person is to sternly tell them to DO THEIR HOMEWORK! and hopefully, they will develop some more diligent, persistent, and honorable traits in the process.
    In most cases, I have read all the "newbies" first threads, before I start getting impatient with them. If i sense a general "laziness" to their questions, they will probably get a more stern remark from me.
    I do not yell at anyone. If it comes across that way on the screen, it is probably one's ego reacting, which I understand, but do not condone.

    On the other hand, I have seen many newbies come on the board, asking well-thought out question, indicating they have done their research. And I CONGRATULATE them on that. FEEL FREE TO FIND THOSE POST AND LINK THEM TO THIS THREAD!

    In conclusion (whew), another poster has a tagline that reads something like" Reason and research are the only things that separates us from the animals"
    how true.
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Marc, I know exactly how you feel as I have also been the focal point of attacks in the past. However, don't let the newby trolls, or whatever they are, come in here, attack you and push you to leave. Your input and presence is much needed here. I posted earlier today that based on the way no pbm is responding to alerts, and trolls are being allowed to run wild here, I also am contemplating my parting of this board. But, I said I would give it a chance. I hope you will stick here with me until we can clearly see what direction this board is going to take.
  3. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    I agree 100 percent with LKH.

    PLEASE don't let the junk that is going on run you away.

    I understand the frustration you and LKH feel, but hopefully things will get better.

    (crossing fingers)
  4. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    I have to agree, have to just ignore the new people and as much as it hurts, let them fall before they rise. If they can't take the time out to read the first three posts and read this board, then they don't deserve the correct credit history that is their right.

    Don't give up on the sane people who post here and are setting world records for credit repair one dispute at a time. ;o)
  5. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Don't let them get to you marc. If they don't like the answers, it's their problem. Like the poster last night. asked the same question in 3 different threads. Guess he/she figured someone would finally give them the answer they wanted to hear, not the right one.

  6. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member

    humblemarc and LKH,

    Please, please don't go. It's the people like me who really need you guys. The trolls don't matter, none of us have to respond to them, besides of course, that they're wrong. If the newbies (myself included) have any sense, they will realize shortly that you (as vets) are correct in your wisdom and answers. The trolls, as is usual with most annoying, assine people in life, generally fade off into the distance.

    So, for all the newbies here and all the hundreds, if not thousands to come, please stay. Both of your advice is worth untold rewards for both us and you.
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I'm not going anywhere, just yet anyway. As I said, I will be here long enough, at least, to see what direction the board goes, and how the new monitor handles things. I really don't like the fact that alerts to whoever is handling pbm's job, have gone unanswered. Nothing is being done about trolls and IMO, if it continues this way, this board will not last. We really need PBM. But, being that he is not going to be running things, I'll give the new one a chance.
  8. jrp32

    jrp32 Well-Known Member

    "waaaaaaaaa!" Let me put a different angle on this, humblemarc.

    You obviously are attempting to get people to side with you and call out "oh, please don't leave here". And, for the most part it's working.

    I say if you were man enough to call people out with your smart-a** remarks, then you should be man enough to take the response you get.

    Don't pick up your ball and go home. Here's an idea: treat people with respect. You might be surprised at the results . . .
  9. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member

    A few words for you and the others that are to thin skinned to handle any of this- PISS OFF and find a new board where you can whine all you want.

    I will repeat, this is a credit repair board, not a daycare or babysitters where your hand is held all day. You, I and others got ourselves into this situation by not being responsible, and other reasons. Now, if you all are here to repair your credit, by all means, stay, if not find a whiners board and be completely happy there.
  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Hey, there is nothing wrong with you guys. People who post on public message boards, and expect to be handled with kid gloves, are going to be disappointed.

    If the new poster does not want to be told the "Standard newbie fare" then they can always think to preface their first post "I've read the threads and studied the posts, and I don't see anything about my situation...."

    I also think The Kid was a troll. He was baiting people by posting like he was an expert, when he obviously was not, or was trying to mislead people.
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    You are doing a good job of cutting your own throat around here. You haven't been around long enough to know what the hell is going on here. You might be surprised the next time you ask a question and you get no response. We don't need nor do we want you and your troll types here.

    Here's an idea: do some research before asking questions. You might be surprised at the results.
  12. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member


    Hey, all you people who are taking all this time and energy to bash humblemarc?


    This is NOT - I REPEAT, NOT the "Bash Humblemarc" board. Look at the very top of your screen, in the portion of your web browser that we geeks like to call the title bar. WHAT DOES IT SAY? DOES IT SAY "BASH HUMBLEMARC"?????


    It says Creditnet | Straight Talk

    That means we are here to get STRAIGHT TALK about our CREDIT.

    If you want to do nothing but bash humblemarc, go spend the $35 and buy your own freakin' domain name and take the time to set up the software and the forums and all the associated stuff that goes along with it, and then sit back and wait for his libel and/or slander lawsuit.

    BUT UNTIL YOU DO THAT, STOP USING THIS FORUM FOR HUMBLEMARC BASHING! Gawd, at least use the GENERAL FORUM instead of the credit forum.

    Criminy, I didn't experience this much crap on my internet playgroup when we were all pregnant and hormonal and fighting over circumcision and breastfeeding.

  13. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    When you are hormonal, I would think circumcision and breastfeeding would be a dangerous thing to do at the same time?


    I couldn't resist. ;-)
  14. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    I am not going to insult you by pleading with you to stay. I figure that you're an adult now and I will treat you as such (though I think that there are some who will disagree with me on that). I expect that while you may not be posting for a bit, you will lurk if only to see the results. I will state that I believe that you are an asset to the board and many times you have given insightful and well thought out advice and that will be missed. I will state though that I think you may be overreacting and think that you and I both know that most of these newbies are only temporary aggravations and will be gone in short order. Marc, if you have children you have probably gone through this stage with your own. A child wants a parent or any other adult to give them the answers. It is up the parent to teach their child not only to do research, but how as well. If you don't have any children, this is excellant practice I think.

    Good luck to you whatever you decide to do. Email me if you feel the need or desire to.

  15. gargoyle

    gargoyle Well-Known Member

    I HAVE to ask questions about a lot of this stuff because my SEARCH doesn't work!! Outside of the "first 3 threads" - search does me no good whatsoever......

    just my .02
  16. wondergirl

    wondergirl Well-Known Member


    I want to let you know I value all of the great information you post on this board! I have posted several times, but most of the time I read the board. The more I read the more I learn!

    Thanks Again!
  17. trina

    trina Well-Known Member

    What's happening here? First GEORGE, now humblemarc? Does anyone here appreciate that this is a FREE board and the help and advice they give is a privilege, not a right? As you can see next to my username I don't post much, I mainly lurk. But I do have to say this: insulting each other (especially insulting the vets) in no way speeds credit repair/improvement.

    One day some people will come here for advice and there won't be any. Please don't let that happen.

  18. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    I sure don't want to see you go and sincerely hope you will change your mind. I've been in your shoes, been to that point of no return, and then (thanks to the kind words of those I trust here) decided to focus on the positive and not the, ahem, er, ahem. (You know what I mean.) I would miss you...I really stay, o.k.?

    LKH, I'm worried, too, about the loss of PBM and the deafening silence from, if there is one, the new "pbm." I do hope we hear from them soon, as in NOW (HELLO? HELLO? HELLO OUT THERE!)
  19. JustinTJ

    JustinTJ Well-Known Member

    I've been around long enough to know that humblemarc is smarter about this credit repair game than all of people who are bashing him.

    This board is starting to go to hell with all of the idiots posting around here. Die please if you are going to be rude to people who are trying to help.

    Read up on the basics before you ask questions that are in the primer/faq/newbie guide. People don't mind helping, but when they tell you how to go about it, you need to understand the terms they use.

    Without tact on this post, but to the point.

  20. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    IMO, I am not an expert. I am not brand new to the credit game either. I believe that I can offer valuable information/experience, while others may offer the same. I don't know what lead you to believe that I was posting like an expert, or trying to post like an expert.

    Calling me a "troll"? LOL, what do they say about sticks and stones? LOL, let's not do the name calling, Breeze, k?

    As I said in another thread, the points that I wanted to make to humblemarc are/were:

    1) Don't judge someone by the # of posts or time of arrival.

    2) If you tell someone that they are wrong or inaccurate, extend the courtesy of providing the correct or accurate information. IMO, you are not being constructive simply by telling someone that their info. is inaccurate and they should perform research. IMO, that is chicken crap.

    I see how the vets will gang up on the newbies, and IMO, that is childish and absurd.

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