(((((((((((marc))))))))))))), I'm not above hugs nor begging. If you leave, you will be letting the trolls, I still call them goobs, take over. No no no, I say, let's ignore them, all of us, and they will go away -- bored with reading their own postings and talking to themselves. Don't give in to message board bullies, you are bigger, stronger, and wiser than that; irritating though they are. HEYYYYYYYYY, I'll bet if we sing some Donny Osmond or Barry Manilow they'll even delete us from their bookmarks!!!!!!!!! Smoochies dear friend, you do what you need to do for you -- I don't disagree with you or your decision. Keep on keepin' on, I say. Sassy
Jezzzis Cristo...Why do I feel like this is a really bad episode of Jerry Springer? Heres my take on this Sh.. Kid you are an assh...Probly been one your whole life,,aint never gonna be anything other than an assh.. But it's OK you can be an assh.. they invented the Ignore feature to handle assh..s Humble grow a thicker skin and no more whining. If people want to be lazy slobs, not read the FAQ's and remain clueless let them. You don't need to be the FAQ police. Now can we go back to discussing credit....Were the hell is a moderator when you need one??? No more touchy feely stuff take it to Oprah.
This web site is FREE...the "TROLLS" and some "NEWBIES" want DOUBLE THEIR MONEY BACK if you don't answer their question in 7 seconds!!! Then another person asks the same question the next day... We answer questions FOR FREE!!! The answers may not be 100% PERFECT 100% of the time...but we try!!!
Marc, As a Fla-tan stated I'm not going to plead with you to stay. I just wanted to let you know that as far as I'm concerned your a good guy and your posts will be missed by me. Take care of yourself and have a happy and safe holiday. By the way, e-mail me when your ready for that Frangelico. Stay well, Manny
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by The Kid I see how the vets will gang up on the newbies, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, I'm going to be the first to admit it...those of us who have reached a certain number of messages on our counters DO have a secret gang. We have colors and gang signs, too. Of course, it's online so we have to throw them invisibly but we are darn good at it. We are quite amazing actually and we have an elaborate secret code that we use to alert each other to a new member. Then, we plan our attack. We have a leader, too, and we know better than to try to get out of the "vet gang" cuz we'd have to be jumped out...only its electronic so we have to "virused" out...see, the "gang" sends viruses to our computer over and over and if we can handle it, we are allowed to be free and to socialize with the new members as we see fit. Of course, no one can stand the seige of viruses and are too scared to asked to be released. I'm about to be virused myself for telling the truth...yes, I've been threatened. We have a code of silence, you see, and it is required for entrance into this elite group of members. At 1000 posts, we take it or we are ejected from the group. Some gangs on the street require thier members to commit violent offences but our gang is different..we lie in wait for new members....to prove our ability to remain on the board....and....uh... I'm gonna puke. Yeah, a nana said puke!
Yo, Butch, Man, I'm sorry, but it had to be done, Debto (like Vato, but in creditland, it's debto)! But, don't worry, bro, I didn't say nothing about the signature line codes we have or our psychic abilities or our incredible sense of electronic smell that lets us sniff out the newbos, yo!
NanaC you may have left me behind in CO...but I know where you moved to...now you are in trouble...WE PROMISED SOME THINGS JUST HAD TO BE KEPT SECRET!!! The beans are all over the place now...
Georgo, man, now I didn't say nuthin' 'bout your CAPS and what they signal to the rest of us, man, I promise, Man. Since I've been gone, Georgo, I ain't been the same without ya', ya' know. I can't hold it together. The gig is up! Thickhead, I mean The Kid is onto us. I'm outta' here, I'm gonna go beef up my virus protection now...and I'm slipping on the beans...I didn't even tell 'em about the secret handshake, Disputo (another term in creditland).
Nana Consider this your first official warning............or else Another violation like this and you know what will happen to you. The coven of vets is meeting and you will be addressed and properly chastised and............and......... ROFLAO..............I tried I really did to keep a straight keyboard........but I just couldn't fla-tan
And, now, We return you to 60 minutes and Barbara Walters continuing story, "The Creditnet Gang: Can we stop the terrorizing of the newbies?" Tonight on Politically Incorrect, Bill Mahr discusses the flagrant use of the word "Newbie" on the Creditnet Board where the infamous gang of creditlums (like hoodlums) had taken over and created a living hell for new members. Is it disenfranchising, discrimination, or just plain dissing??? George! Beep! Fla-tan! hehehehe::::snicker:::::::
Butch You know the rules........no hexes until after the meeting and the entire ruling board votes......afterall we are an oligarchy of vets aren't we???????? GEORGE.........will you please call the meeting to order!!!!!! LK......you and LKH will just have to keep the noise down......this is a serious subject. Our esteemed member has broken her vow of silence......she must be punished............... humblemarc.......you have the floor first and then we will hear from PsychDoc to explain why Nana did what she did....... ROFLAO.....I just can't go any further fla-tan
And, in a moment of intense silence, NanaC rose slowly from her seat where she was to state her defense, turned slowly towards the crowd and, with hands shaking, pulled her bandana colors from her head and pointed at the crowd, and yelled "I see....I see...I see..............::::::::gasp:::::::::::::NEW PEOPLE!!!" Fla-disputo-dude-man-vet-0: (short for Fla-tan) Yo, man, don't do this to me, I have kids, I have a grandkid-0, .......and most importantly.............I love the AVS!
NanaC Since you have, like me. a Grandkid and since this you have not yet become a habitual defender of the newbie, this tribunal has determined that....that.... Halleluiah.......Halleluiah.........THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE Let me hear an amen to that brothers and sisters Though being an AVs fan is 10 demerits Love fla-tan
marc, hm, why is it, that you remind me of me? ;-) last month i felt the same way when i was on creonline. somebody criticized, that i didn't use capitalization, someone else chimed in and confirmed how annoying it was to read my posts and i was crushed. i had no idea, that people had problems with my style of just using small letters. (i'm doing it, because it's easier for me. english is not my first language and knowing which words to capitalize somehoe takes some thought, where i don't have other grammar issues) anyway, i wrote a similar post:' that this was going to be my last post. that i'm sorry if people were so bothered by my writing etc' well, i got so many posts from people asking me to stay, telling me how much they're learning from my posts etc,, that it made me feel stupid for wanting to leave, when this was an area where i could really give on what i've learned. anyway, i'm sure you've gotten a lot of posts apart from the board as well. and i hope, that you're changing your mind. the number of people, that have voiced here how much you've helped them far outweighs the number of complainers. here's something you know and that you can give on. by leaving you won't only hurt us newbies, but in the end you will hurt hourself by taking this out of your life. just my thoughts