Nasty BK reform bill passes Senate

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Alexander, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. Alexander

    Alexander Member

    Nasty BK reform bill passes Senate

    Never let it be said that the Neocon conservatives are not for the redistribution of wealth. They just do it the other way around than the far left socialists. They take from the poor and give to the rich!

    ICBA Applauds Senate Passage of Bankruptcy Reform

    "Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) President and CEO Camden R. Fine issued the following statement in response to the Senate's passage of S. 256, the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, by a 74-25 vote:"

    Bankruptcy bill nears passage, Market Watch, Mar 9

    "Democrats have sought since last week to add protections for seniors and lower-income Americans, and also to force credit card issuers to change marketing practices. But almost all of the measures were turned back by a largely united Republican majority.

    House Republican leaders have said they would move quickly if the Senate sends them legislation with few amendments, signaling that a final bill could land on President Bush's desk within weeks.

    The credit industry, including credit card issuers, automakers and retailers, are expected to be the primary beneficiaries of the bill, according to analysts."

    Notes from the Undertow, By Jerry Burke, Mar 10

    "For those of you who have yet to hear about this wonderful piece of legislation, allow me to sum it up in the words of those in Congress supporting it: barraged by an increasing number of greedy individuals who abuse this country's bankruptcy protection laws, your elected officials are seeking to protect corporations -- credit-card companies in particular -- and force scumbags who spend without accountability to be responsible for considerably more of the debt they accumulate before filing for Chapter 7 protection.
    For those of you who are tired of being lectured about financial responsibility by white men in $1,000 suits who've never personally felt the sting of fiscal want while they see fit to send your country into an endless ocean of red without any plan to balance the budget, join me for a swim in the sea of sarcasm.
    You see, we live in a world where companies are cutting back health care benefits to help their bottom lines. And in a completely unrelated turn of events, nearly half of all individuals cite medical bills as a reason for their bankruptcy filings. Go figure."
  2. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    Maybe file segregation will come back in favor if people can't file CH7.
  3. wlonsdale

    wlonsdale Well-Known Member

    I think you really need to read the entire bill.
  4. prosub

    prosub Active Member

    You are correct. This is new BK Bill is horrendous and a complete insult and slap in the face to every citizen of this Country. If provides absolute no protection to consumers of any kind. The only thing I can suggest is writing your House Rep and demand that any House version contain safeguards to protect the average person. As it stands now, even victims of ID theft can be forced to pay fraudulent charges. The time to act (write) is Now, the more people who write, the better the chances of getting it amended.
  5. Alexander

    Alexander Member


    Write if you care. Unfortunately I think the issue is almost lost. With Bush being re-elected and the Neocons in firm control this bill will probably pass.

    US House Reps:

    "March 16 2005
    As of 2:45 pm, the House Committee on the Judiciary was still meeting for the markup of S. 256. The Committee has broken twice and it is unclear as to whether they will finish the markup today. As of the 2nd recess, four Democratic Representatives had submitted amendments to the bill and all 4 have been rejected. Just prior to the 2nd recess Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) had submitted an amendment with language similar to Sen. Charles Schumer's (D-NY) failed Senate amendment to prevent shielding assets from court ordered fines. Rep. Nadler's amendment was also expected to be rejected once the session recommenced. "

    This bill will be a prime example of how the redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich can occur at the hands of the Neocons!

    Have a nice day!

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