I have a c/o (i keep all my reports) from nationsbank, they nco dudes and crap 1 have offered me the stupid choice of reaging and paying back (at 9.9% !!!). lol. Should i just ignore them, the 7 year SOL on each report states 04-2003. It is my understanding that if they attempt to place anything derog on any of my reports after 04-2003 they will be in violation of re-aging and can be sued right? I have a crap 1 account, so i find it humurous that they would try this trick. I might just go close it out since they dare fool me into this trap.
No, don't accept it. Yes, ignore it. These accounts are almost always past SOL. And they report it in a manner that hurts you twice as bad as the original charge off, and puts it on your reports for another 7 years. Do NOT accept!!!
NCO offered me a Cap1 visa to repay a 4yr 9 mo old c/off with bank1. I never answered. They are not even worth a validation letter. The're just praying on people that are dumb enough to swallow the bait.
They must be sending this out to everybody. I recently received a similar offer, and mind you, this is almost a year after I settled with them. I really thought about pfb-ing them to the effect that, yeah, I would like to again have an account with Cap1, but not if it means paying a debt I no longer owe. But then I figured it's probably best not to fall for the banana-in-the-tailpipe. Too many fun and interesting things can be done to tradelines and such, and I simply don't have the stomach for it right now. wajaba