NCO/CRAP 1 card offer ignore??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sam, Nov 20, 2002.

  1. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    I have a c/o (i keep all my reports) from nationsbank, they nco dudes and crap 1 have offered me the stupid choice of reaging and paying back (at 9.9% !!!). lol.

    Should i just ignore them, the 7 year SOL on each report states 04-2003. It is my understanding that if they attempt to place anything derog on any of my reports after 04-2003 they will be in violation of re-aging and can be sued right?

    I have a crap 1 account, so i find it humurous that they would try this trick. I might just go close it out since they dare fool me into this trap.
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

  3. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    no what breeze??

    don't ignore it? tell me more.
  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    No, don't accept it.

    Yes, ignore it.

    These accounts are almost always past SOL. And they report it in a manner that hurts you twice as bad as the original charge off, and puts it on your reports for another 7 years.

    Do NOT accept!!!

  5. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    NCO offered me a Cap1 visa to repay a 4yr 9 mo
    old c/off with bank1. I never answered. They are not even worth a validation letter. The're just praying on
    people that are dumb enough to swallow the bait.
  6. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    They must be sending this out to everybody. I recently received a similar offer, and mind you, this is almost a year after I settled with them. I really thought about pfb-ing them to the effect that, yeah, I would like to again have an account with Cap1, but not if it means paying a debt I no longer owe. But then I figured it's probably best not to fall for the banana-in-the-tailpipe. Too many fun and interesting things can be done to tradelines and such, and I simply don't have the stomach for it right now.


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