Nco Dinging My Report Bad

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohnostuck, Jan 11, 2002.

  1. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    AT&T slammed me. I just got a letter from NCO for the collection of 51.00. I am NOT paying for this and have talked to AT&T and they sent me a letter that collections will stop and it will not be placed on my report. The problem is I have 6, yes SIX inquirys from NCO in 8 days.
  2. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    Are they hard inquiries? Or are they coded-REA, NRM, etc.
  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    They are hard

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Dpn't feel bad. Some company called Medclr is dinging me right now...

    Researched them, they are a company that buys medical debt. Anyone had any dealings with them?
  5. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    Wow. In my experience, they only did one hard inquiry, then inserted. They do this, they claim, in order to send the notice to you (obtain the correct address). In my instance, I didn't get a notice until 8 months later. Then they do REAs every two months.

    I disputed all of these w/ the CRA-and they claim that they are all permissable purpose. You may want to start writing letters-including to the public utility department of your state government, and the AG office. Slamming is serious to the public utility commission, and I don't think that ATT particularly wants to deal w/ that.

    I can't remember if your original post said if you had received notice yet-, or if it on your reports, but I would find out the address of ATT from the CRA and go ahead and dispute this, if you haven't. All of these should be in writing and w/ certified return receipt.
  6. Gumbo

    Gumbo Well-Known Member

    I also got slammed by ATT. Here is what you should do. Tell Att that they caused the problem and they will solve it. Give them 48 houres to get it off your report or tell them you will complain to every government agency you can think of. They have some pull with NCO because they throw a lot of business there. They should be able to get NCO to delete.

    If not, start filing complaints against ATT. Make sure to tell them that your credit was screwed up bad because of this.

    Next, contact your local phone company and tell them you have been slammed. They can put some type of notation on your account where they must call you before anyone can change your long distance service.

    Good luck. You are dealing with the bottom of the barrel in both collection agencies and telephone companies.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  8. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Collection inquiries are permissible. It sucks cause CBC hits hubbys report every month twice on the same day EVERY MONTH!!!!!!!!
  9. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    See...that's the kind of bulls*&% that makes a person (whose been repairing their credit for quite some time now) GO OFF! I've had 3 collection agencies do this to me and I about LOST MY MIND! O.k. I can MAYBE understand doing it 1 time to locate you. But to pull it over and over like that? Oh man, makes me crazy just thinking about it.
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    It MAY be legal to put it on your credit report...BUT IT NOT ILLEGAL TO DISPUTE IT!!!


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